"Hey, family is family but business is business. I had to pay her and still paying her for working with me."

"You don't pay her, y'all are partners now!"

"Oh right. All the more reasons she should have spoken to me bout this!" I joked.

"Yea well this is her own thing!" She laughed.

"I hear you."

"Kevin don't go asking her about any payment."

"Jeez I wasn't going too."

"The lies you tell!" She laughed.

"I wasn't, I swear."

"Mhmm. Ooh babe let me call you back, I'm getting a call on my business phone."

"Aight babe, love you."

"Love you too!"


"Waddup man!"

"We out there tonight in NOLA, after tha show!"

"Aight bruh!" I laughed.

In the middle of making a video on Snapchat, my phone rang. I instantly began to smile seeing it was my moms.

"Wassup pretty lady!"

"Kevin, you ok?"

"Yea momma why?" I sat up instantly.

"Ummm, no reason. Let me call your sister"


The phone got quiet for a moment before she spoke again.

"Your father came to me!"

My heart sank when I heard her say that.

"What you mean he came to you?"

"I didn't see him but I felt his presence and then I just heard 'the children'. I knew it was him."

"Aight momma, just calm down aight. I'm good, Kei good too, she and Yung took YaYa to Disneyland so they straight."

"I know but just be safe please!"

"I will"

"I love you son!"

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