I do agree with him on Allie being hot though. She's just a little to short for my liking. She barely reaches my shoulders; probably even with heels on. I like my girls taller, like Bree's height. So when we stood face to face my lips would be in line with the top of her forehead. Yeah, she has the perfect height.

Wait, what the hell am I saying? I shake the thought from my head.

"It sucks that she's related to Niall though. That guy is bad news!" Louis says.

"Yeah I know, but it doesn't seem like she's that close to him. I mean she just moved here from Toronto. I doubt she even has a clue about the shit that her brother is involved in," Liam defends Allie.

What are they talking about? I am about to ask when Liam jumps up in his seat.

"Hey, here they come!" Liam exclaims and reaches over to my side to honk the horn. Wow, he must really be into this girl. He turns over to face me. "For a nerdy girl, she actually looks pretty good in those jeans, Haz." I look over and see the girls headed for my car.

Allie is wearing a black sweater with a few white lines going across it and light coloured jean shorts which, in my opinion, make her legs look even more short and chubby. Especially, next to Bree's longer and leaner legs. Liam's right. Those dark-washed jeans actually make her look kinda hot. The way they hug her curves and make her ass look absolutely perfect. Who knew she had such a great ass? Who knew she had such a smoking hot body?

The top half isn't as appealing as the bottom as she is wearing a loose flannel shirt buttoned up almost all the way, it kinda makes her look like a construction worker or a woodsman or something. I wonder what she's wearing underneath. Wait, what?

I shake the thought from my mind and turn back to face the wheel before anyone can notice me gawking.

"Sorry we took awhile guys," Allie apologizes as she steps into my car and sits behind me in on of the middle seats. Bree follows and sits beside her, behind Liam.

"That's alright. You girls look great!" Liam smiles brightly at Allie and her face turns pink. I guess he's making his move today.

"Yeah! Bree, you look absolutely fantastic in those jeans!" Eleanor chimes.

"Uh, thanks. They're Allie's," she mumbles. It figures. She probably doesn't own a single thing that would even closely flatter her body.

"You look like a lumberjack," I blurt out. Why did I just say that? I cock my head slightly to see her reaction.

She looks at me dead-on with her slightly darkened grey eyes behind her atrocious glasses. "Nice car, are we picking up the president on our way to your soccer game?" she says in a fake tone.

Damn, she's snarky.

I roll my eyes and turn back to face the front. My hands grip the steering wheel tightly.

Who the hell does this girl think she is? She can't talk to me that way!

Louis stifles a laugh into Eleanor's shoulder. I give him a death glare through the overhead mirror.

"Well, we are, from Canada," Allie chuckles slightly, trying to lighten the mood. Everyone else laughs except for Bree and I. We both are silent for the rest of the drive.

-Bree's POV-

When we arrive at the fairly large Starbucks franchise, I get out of the car first and wait for the rest of them by the entrance. I breathe in the warm late August air and let out a sigh. This Harry guy is really getting on my nerves and we just met!

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