I need to have that desk.

There are two other desk behind the beds. The one behind the loft bed already has books and stuff on it. Our roommate must have already arrived as well, I think as I notice floral sheets on the loft bed. I turn around and notice that the whole wall where the door is, is filled with closet and storage space. There might actually be enough to fit all of Allie's clothes and things in the room after all.

"I call top bunk!" Allie announces as she throws her pillows and sheets up. Yes! That means my bed will be closer to the desk I wanted.

"I call that desk!" I point at my dream desk and place my messenger bag on the chair in front of it.

"Only you would call a desk," Allie laughs as she begins to unpack her things.

"Hey, do you mind if I use half of your closet space? I mean you don't have that much clothes anyway right?" She looks over to me and I nod. I knew this was bound to happen.

After we finish unpacking our things I sit down at my desk and fiddle with the compartments, storing my supplies in them. Allie lies down on my bed.

"Man I'm pooped!" she breathes as she rest her head on my fuzzy pillow. Good. So maybe now she will forget about exploring the campus and I can read my book in the student lounge. "I wonder where our roommate is. Her stuff is her but she is no where in sight," she sighs and closes her eyes.

Just then the door handle jiggles. Allie sit up quickly and fixes her curled hair just as the door opens. A girl with light brown long wavy hair and pretty brown eyes walks through the door wearing a white lacy blouse with white flowers on it and high-waisted jean shorts that make her legs look extremely long and tanned. This girl looks like she could be a Victoria Secret model. Allie stands up and immediately introduces herself to the gorgeous girl. She looks like a shrimp next to this girl as the model is at least six inches taller than her.

"Hi! I'm Allie and that's Bree, you must be our roommate Elaine!" Allie beams as she shakes hand hands with the model. I can already tell that they are going to be instant BFFs by the look on Allie's face.

"Actually it's Eleanor. Yeah the rooming offices must have gotten my name wrong on their system or something. Nice to meet you both!" she says with a smile. Eleanor, like the first lady? I've never met anyone with the name Eleanor before, it's so formal.

"Is it your first year too? By the way, I absolutely loooove your outfit! It's so Californian chic!" Allie exclaims, extending the 'o' in love.

"Aw thanks, yours is cute too!" She gestures to Allie's black skinny jeans, white frilly tank top and copper glitter cardigan. I don't know why she would choose to wear that on the plane. But it's Allie, she dresses up for everything. "No actually I'm in my third year of college. It is my first year here at UCLA though. I transferred in from Berkeley because my boyfriend goes to school here," Eleanor explains.

"Aw that's adorable! I wish my love life were that romantic, but here I am, single yet again," Allie sighs. She probably would have a relationship like that if she quit dating dirt bags all the time. The type that were extremely good-looking but would cheat on you with your friend when you weren't looking.

"You probably won't stay single for long, I mean you're really pretty and I've already seen some really hot college boys around campus. I could even introduce you to some of the ones I know," Eleanor tells Allie which makes her blush. There is a knock at the door. "Speaking of the boyfriend."

She opens the door and in walks two boys with hair very similar to Niall's, gelled on the top of their head with the very top parts longer. One of the boys, with pale blue eyes, an expensive looking leather jacket with a plain white tee underneath and black skinny jeans, puts his tattooed arm around Eleanor's waist and looks at us.

Memory (Harry Styles)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora