Chapter Eleven: Bonding over buttercrème frosting.

Depuis le début

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "That's good." My eyes widened when I realized what I said. "I mean it's good that you're not getting back together with that douche." 

Her eyes lacked energy and her movements were slow. She headed to her respective room. "Whatever Ayden. Just leave. You've obviously caused more trouble than necessary." Her voice was void of emotion. 

"Are you okay, because you look kind of pasty?" I asked, concerned.  

"Of course I'm not okay! My ex is here trying to win me back after cheating on me, Adrianna's trying to kill me for something I didn't even initiate," Her eyes pierced me. "And you!" She hissed. "Freaking kissed me!" 

"Well don't forget about our meeting tonight!" Before I could say anything else, Serenity had locked herself in her room. 


I locked myself in my room to get away from reality. The thin wooden door separating me from a truth I didn't want to face.  


Rain. That's all I saw as I stared blankly out the window. Neverending buckets of water poured out of the sky, tainting the ground below. I sighed and rolled over, trying to escape my own thoughts.  

Jesse's back. I tossed. Jesse wants me back. I turned. Jesse cheated on you, but he wants you back. I moaned irritably and threw the sheets off of me. I really needed to get out of this cabin. 

I quickly shrugged on a hoodie abd tucked my hands safely into the pockets. The rain had slowed to a steady drizzle, as I dragged my sneakers through the mud. My stomach grumbled, but I was too hungry to even get embarrassed. Maybe all you need is something sweet to eat.

At this notion, I headed towards the kitchens, sure that no one would be there on a rainy Saturday night. But as luck would have it, someone was crouched over a sheet of paper scribbling furiously.  

I peered through the glass, debating on whether I should go in or not. I studied the figure. Messy hair obsuring my view to the face. The person adorned a navy sweater stretched taught over their back and shoulders. I leaned in closer, curious as to what could possibly be written on the paper. 

All the sudden, the person glanced up. Ayden smiled sheepishly and I frowned. He signalled for me to come in, but I glanced fron the window and back. Well I am starving, but I don't want to be anywhere near Ayden.

Two taps brought me out of my inner debate. Ayden stood on the other side of the glass holding a cupcake. A buttercreme frosted cupcake to be exact. I narrowed my eyes. He knew cupcakes were my weakness. Actually food in general. 

I bounded up the steps and through the door, snatching the dessert out of his hands without a word. 

"Serenity, listen." He mumbled and scratched the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for getting into your relationship problems."  

I was about to take a bite, but stopped. Overwhelming guilt consumed me. "N-no. Don't blame yourself." I spoke for the first time in hours. " You were only trying to help with the best intentions in mind." I looked out of the window, avoiding his eyes. "I guess I was a little too hard on you." 

I sat down at a table and Ayden followed. "My apology comes in form of a delicious cupcake." When I didn't say anything he responded. "You do like cupcakes right?" 

"Yeah." I deadpanned. 

" think we on the cupcake we're going to make for the big competition." He stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

"Sure." My voice was as blank as a piece of copy paper. 

"Actually, that can wait." He looked around the room, not meeting my eyes. What is he planning? "I don't like Jesse."  

I rolled my eyes. "Who does?" I spat bitterly. 

"Let me rephrase that. I don't like what he did to you." He sighed, looking a little down. "And I hope to god that you don't get back together...for your sake of course. But I understand if you do." 

We stared at eachother in silence. I'm not good with words, but then again, niether is he. A silent promise passed in between us. 

I took the buttercreme frosted cupcake in my hands, and messily broke it in two. "Here." I handed him one half, getting the sweet sticky frosting on my hands in the process. 

For once there weren't any "I hate you's."Just two people learning to forgive eachother...slowly but surely.

Bonding over buttercreme? I liked the sound of that.

Buttercrème FrostingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant