Chapter Ten: Frosting is like war paint.

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Chapter Ten: Frosting is like war paint.

I touched my lips. Ayden kissed me. Unsurprisingly, all I wanted to do was punch him in the face, but then he tasted like chocolate and mint, and I couldn't. I like chocolate.  

I fell back on my bed. The whole cabin was void of Adrianna and Eva. Just me, myself, I and my thoughts. I closed my eyes. Ayden kissed me. Ayden just kissed me. Ayden fucking kissed me! What the heck?! My thoughts were cut off by my ringing cellphone.  


"Honey, I missed you!" I flinched and held the phone away from my ear. 

"I missed you too." I sat up and wiped imaginary dust off of the sheets. "How is Just Sprinkles doing?" 

The other line went silent. I could feel the stress pouring through the phone. "It's not looking too good." She sighed. "Penelope and I's cupcake were too similar. The building owner couldn't decide which one to choose, so we're back at square one." 

"What's square one?" I asked, even though I already knew. 

"Highest bid wins." 

I gripped the phone tightly. "Mom, Just Sprinkles is an original. No other freaking cupcake tastes like it!" I shouted. "The only way for someone to copy it would be..." I trailed off. 

"Those lying bitches!" We yelled at the same time.  

"That day when Penelope came in with her daughter. We were having an argument in the front of the store and you were frosting cupcakes! Stella was missing and later she cane out of the back room, where the recipes are kept!" Mom remembered urgently.  

"I fucking knew it! Just say the words and I'll slither through this phone and kick some ass!" I said. 

She chuckled. "Serenity, I would love if you could come down here and beat some people up," I mentally danced. "But this is my fight." My smile turned down. " I also called to tell you something important!" Her voice turned serious. 

"What?" I asked cautiously.  

The phone crackled and her voice was breaking up. " on...way." 


" you!" The phone disconnected.  

I slipped my phone under my pillow, just as Adrianna stormed through.  

"You kissed Ayden, huh!" She yelled, red faced. 

I took my time getting up, and yawned to annoy her. "Correction! He kissed me." 

"Bitch, I could care less about who kissed who! The only thing that matters, is that your lips came in contact with his. And now it's time to pay!" She hissed.  

I leaned against the bedpost, as I watched her struggle with taking off her earings and heels. Eva bursted in just as she finished. 

"Serenity, someone is-- what the hell!" Eva yelled out of breath, her curls sticking to the sides of her face, all the while she was holding a pink cupcake.  

I mentally prepared myself for the fight that I've been waiting for. I dragged two fingers along the top of Eva's cupcake, and swiped it underneath my eyes. Frosting war paint. I crouched down a little. Bring it on!

Adrianna dove for me, knocking me to the ground. She landed a few scratches to my face. I rolled us over so I was on top. I curled my fist up and aimed at her jaw, hitting the target everytime. 

"Go Serenity! Show a bitch how it's done!" I faintly heard Eva yell excitedly, using me as a vessle ti get revenge on Adrianna. 

Her hand darted up and grabbed my ponytail. I caught her wrist and twisted. That's for calling Eva fat! I let go and slapped her face. That's for being unfaitful to Ayden! I landed another punch to her stomach. And that, bitch, is for calling me a slut!

A knock sounded from the outside of our cabin door. Adrianna and I countinued to brawl on the floor, while Eva had made some popcorn, and was now sitting on the bed watching us and shouting profanities every once in a while.  

I pinned her down, and she squirmed like a bug on a pin. "Let me go!" 

I blew a stray chunk of hair that had fallen out of my ponytail, away from my face. I pretended to think. "Hmmm?" I tapped my chin. "How about a big fat no!" 

I heard another knock, but before any of us could react, Adrianna rolled out from under me and kicked me in the back. I landed on my chest, face on the ground. Wow, we should really clean this nasty floor! 

Three loud inpatient knocks filled the cabin. I groaned and put up a finger, signalling to hold on. Eva and Adrianna stumbled out of the doorway to follow me. 

I swung open the door. "Look, I'm kind of in the middle of something, so--" I finally looked up. 

I looked behind me, to see both Eva and Adrianna looking at the person in front of me with confusion. I looked behind the human standing in front off me. Ayden was leaned against a tree with hate protruding from his blue irises directed at the the person in front of me. 

I focused my attention back on the task at hand. "What in the name of everything that's sugar coated, are you doing here Jesse!" I growled.  

"Surprise!" He rubbed his neck, hazel eyes shining with hope that I'll never give him. Never again. 

"You don't even bake!" I whispered harshly.  

Before Jesse could even respond, Ayden walked up and did this guy handshake thing with him, before standing too close to me. 

"Hey, dude! I see you met my girlfriend." The words flowed easily from Ayden's mouth. 


Adrianna and Eva were all but confused now. And I? Well, readers, to be completely frank, I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die.

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