32. Happy

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My heartbeat’s speed increased alarmingly as, onstage, Unmuzzled began to play the chords for their traditional ending song. They always closed with this song, and because of the decision I had made, it was almost like a bearer of bad fortune.

My throat clenched up, and a quickly slipped my hand out of Aiden’s and moved to go backstage. Aiden made to follow me, but I placed a hand on his chest and shook my head at him, smiling. He seemed to understand what was happening, because he nodded and moved back.

With every step closer to the stage, my heart beat another three beats faster. I was worried that it would explode out of my chest before I could get on stage. My palms became progressively sweatier, and my knees began to shake. For a short moment, I wondered if I could actually go through with this, but I thought of the three boys I had forced to wait this long, and it steeled my determination.

I slipped behind the stage and started searching frantically for the stairs that led on-stage.

“Woah, woah, woah!” A British-accented voice called out, as I finally spotted the steps and started to make my way over to them. “And just what do you think you’re doing, missy?”

“I-I, I need to get on stage.” I stuttered, stopping dead still.

“Oh, no, sweetheart. I don’t think so.” A tall, burly man with a goatee and a tattoo of a star on the right side of his thick neck placed his large hand on my shoulder and began to steer me back into the crowd.

Panicking, my eyes searched frantically for someone, anyone who could help me. I had to do this, if I didn’t do it now, I didn’t know if I would be able to summon the courage to do it again.

My eyes darted back and forth in a frenzy, hoping that a nice-looking stage hand could possibly come to my rescue… what I wasn’t expecting was that someone I knew would be a nice-looking stage hand.

“Delaney!” I shouted, waving my hands wildly over my head. “Delaney, over here!”

Her light brown hair swished through the air as she turned her head to find the person calling her.

“Delaney!” Finally, her eyes alighted on me, and the grey-blue orbs widened significantly. She hastened over to us, and put a hand out to the large man.

“Derrick, exactly what are you doing?” She demanded, her small frame now seeming regal and commanding.

“I was just getting this crazed fan out from backstage, Miss Delaney,” Derrick replied, not releasing his tight hold on my shoulder.

“Well, let her go!” Delaney commanded, “Riley, here, is one of my personal friends and I granted her access backstage.”

“But, Ms. Delaney—“

“No buts, Derrick. Let go of her immediately.”

Grunting, the giant known as Derrick let go of me and sauntered off.

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