24. Texas Hold 'Em

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  • Dedicated kay all you awesome people reading this story <3

The cold rain eventually subsided, and the rumbling of the thunder faded into the distance. Even after my tears had subsided, I remained in Aiden’s arms, burying my face deeply into his chest so that he wouldn’t see my face. I was ashamed that he had seen me cry; ashamed that I had shown my own vulnerability.

“How did you find me?” I mumbled, my lips moving against his damp shirt.

“Danny called and said that your parents had said that you hadn’t come home. It started to rain, and I didn’t want you our here by yourself in that downpour.” He pushed back on my shoulders gently, so that I was looking him in the face. “Levi was right to wonder…” He murmured, his eyes scanning my face, “How do you manage to look so beautiful after crying for so long?”

“You heard that?” I gasped, my pulse beginning to pick up speed.

“Levi wasn’t the only to go after you, you know.” A corner of his mouth slipped upwards in a lopsided smile, “He was just the one who found you first.”

“How long were you—“

“I only stuck around long enough to make sure you were alright.” Aiden assured quickly, guessing where my mind had leapt to.

I nodded mutely then returned my head to his shoulder where I breathed in his scent deeply. He smelled nice… kind of spicy, but cool at the same time.

“If you’re done sniffing me,” he began, glancing down at me amusedly and sounding like was trying to suppress laughter, “I’ll take you home.”

“Do I have to go home?” I muttered, clinging to his arm stubbornly, “I just want to stay here right now.”

“Riley, we’re both soaked through, and I really don’t think your parents would appreciate it if I let you run around when you could possibly catch a cold or something.”

“What are you, my father?” Grudgingly I let go of his arm and began to stand. My jeans felt odd after getting permeated with rain and then drying for a few minutes and my t-shirt stuck to my body like a second skin.

“Haha.” Aiden said sarcastically, standing as well. “If I was, I couldn’t do this, now could I?” He swiftly tripped me, then caught me before I could hit the ground.

“Dude!” I protested breathlessly, “What is it with you and catching me?” I twined my arms securely around his neck, and he started to walk to his car with me still in his arms.

“I guess I’m just practicing for when I finally get you to fall for me.” He winked cheekily at me as he set me in the passenger seat of his car, and grinned widely when I blushed.

“Who says I’m going to fall for you?” I teased, poking his arm as he started the car’s engine.

“Who wouldn’t fall for me? I’ve got the looks, the charm, and a sense of humor. It’s like I’m God’s gift to women.”

The Dating DepartmentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon