29. An Anti-climatic Adventure

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I don’t care what people say, the rush is worth the price I pay…”

 I hummed along with Ke$ha as I threw random clothes into my suitcase. Packing for a week long stay at the Hilton hotel in Daytona Beach, Florida was easy. Whoever said that packing was hard obviously wasn’t as good as it as I am. As soon as my suitcase was full of all the clothes I could possibly need, I shut it and tried to zip it shut.

 It wouldn’t move an inch.

 I tugged and pulled, jerked and yanked.

 Finally, after about three million tries and about two trillion angry outbursts the suitcase zipped shut, the top bulging like a pregnant seahorse’s stomach.

 “Riley? Are you up there? It’s time to start loading up the car!”

 “Coming!” I shouted back down to my mom as I wrenched my luggage off of my bed and lugged it down the stairs to the SUV sitting in our driveway.

 “You call that packing?” My mom scoffed, rolling her eyes and taking my suitcase from me and handing it to my dad who stuffed it into the back.

 “What do you have in there, Riley, bricks?” He joked as he closed the back of the car.

 “I’ll have you know bricks are an essential part of my wardrobe,” I kidded back.

 He laughed and we piled into the car.

 The drive from Winter Haven to Daytona Beach was just about two hours long, so I plugged my earbuds in and leaned my head against the window, eyes closed.


 “Riley, Riley wake up. We’re here.”

 My eyes fluttered open to be met with the sight of a gigantic…nose?

 “Aigh!” I tried to scuttle backwards, but my seat belt held me in place. The nose, though, moved.

 “Jeez, Sharkbait. You’d think you’d be happy to see me. I’m hurt, miss. Sincerely hurt.” Levi twisted up his attractive features into a hurt expression and pressed a fist over his heart.

 “Why would I be happy to see you?” I teased, unbuckling and jumping out of the vehicle.

 “Now what kind of greeting is that for your favorite surfer?” His grin grew as he spread his arms open wide. “I’ll forgive you if I get a hug.”

 “Hm, is it really worth it?” I smiled and launched myself into his arms where he enveloped me in a huge bear hug. When the hug was over, I stepped back, pursed my lips, then said, “Yup, definitely not worth it.”

 “Feisty today, aren’t we?” Levi laughed, slinging his arm around my shoulders as we walked into the hotel, our rolling suitcases in tow.

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