11. Some Other Young Whippersnapper

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The off key laughter and overwhelming happiness made it seem like I had just stepped out of reality and into a really bad movie.

The date with Levi had started off well, but had quickly taken a turn for the worst when we simultaneously realized that there was no way I was going to be hitting the waves any time soon. So, instead of forcing me through another twenty minutes of our half hour lesson, Levi returned the rental boards and drove us to the movies where we watched some obscure chick-flick that he thought I might enjoy.... I really didn't.

Now we were here, sitting at his family's table, eating pork chops and corn on the cob, while listening to his numerous aunts and uncles tell me embarrassing baby stories about Levi and his six siblings. Yes, I said six siblings.

I could name them all, and tell you at least two baby stories about them, but instead, I'll only name them off.

There was Trevor, Levi's senior by two years, making him 19.

Amanda, Levi's twin sister.

John, the 16 year old artist of the family.

Jack, the Justin Bieber lookalike with the voice to boot.

Shirley, the shy bookworm with golden curls.

And last, but not least, Hailey, the sweet, blue-eyed brunette with a dimple in each 5 year old cheek.

I loved his family, every last one of them. To be quite honest, I don't think it would be humanly possible not to like them, they were just too.... likable.

I had just finished listening to Levi's Aunt Hanna describe how Trevor used to blow snot bubbles when his mother turned to me.

“So, tell us about yourself, Riley.”

All eyes turned to me expectantly, some curious, others appraising.

I choked down my rice, suddenly self-conscious. “What would you like to know?”

“Do you have any siblings?”

I shook my head quickly, “Nope, I'm an only child.”

“How can you eat so much and yet stay skinny?” That one was from Levi, who was sitting on my right.

“Are you kidding me? I've worked hard to be like this.” I gestured down at my torso. “I actually get kinda pudgy in the summer, but work it all back off with football.”

“You play football?” Once again, all eyes were on me.

“Soccer, I just like to call it football to see how people react.” I grinned at all the people around me and they returned the favor.

“Witty, Riley, quite witty,” approved Levi's Uncle Solomon, waving his fork at me and nodding his head.

They continued to throw questions at me, and I answered them to the best of my ability. It was hard to answer some of them, however, as they were bizarre. One such question was: "Would you rather go a week without showering, or a week without brushing your teeth?"

I cringed at that one. "Neither,"

"I would choose the not brushing your teeth option." Commented Amanda from across the table.

"Why?" I questioned, curious as to why she would even consider the question.

"Well, my hair gets all greasy if I don't wash it for even one day, and I wouldn't be able to stand the thought of not showering for a week, but if I don't brush my teeth... I could just chew a bunch of gum, ya know?"

"You've got a point there, I guess I never thought of it that way."

And then, the interrogations continued.

“Levi.” Uncle Solomon suddenly declared. “I like this girl.”

Next to me, Levi grinned, flashing ultra-white teeth. “So do I, Uncle Sol.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Propose!” He winked at him over his large glasses then resumed his eating as if he hadn't said something highly unusual.

A snicker ran around the table, and, I must admit, I joined in. Levi's bright red face was just too amusing to not laugh at.

His hands were frozen on the table, and his jaw was slack, his eyes wide open.

I laughed and patted his hand, “Maybe in a couple years, Uncle Sol, but not anytime soon.”

“He better get to ya soon, before some other whippersnapper snatches you up.”

“Yeah, some other whippersnapper...” I murmured, my thoughts suddenly turning to the other two boys...


It's short, I know, I'm sorry.... :/

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