12. Birthday

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“Happy Birthday, Riley!” The chorus of voices met me as I finished my sleepy descent down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

“Welcome to the world of adults, Riles,” Roy grinned, still in his pajamas.

“Thanks, guys.” I smiled and hugged everyone in my kitchen in turn.

Both Amber and Danny's families were there, Danny's family more casual in their still pajama-clad state, while Amber's family were more put together, hair and clothes impeccable.

Danny was practically bouncing up and down, her dark hair like a haystack on the top of her head. “You're eighteen!” She crowed, squeezing me tightly.

“Danny. Can't. Breathe.” I gasped with what air I had left.

“Oh, sorry.” She smiled apologetically and stepped back.

Both my mom and dad were in the room as well, shining smiles plastered across their faces. The kind of smiles that meant something was up.

“Uh... is there something you wanted to tell me?” I asked warily.

“Riley, we--”

“We're going to the Hilton!” Danny burst in excitedly, unable to contain herself.

“We're what?” I turned to my parents, wide-eyed. “T-that's....when?”

“From July 20 to the 23.”

“Oh, so in a month.”

“Yeah, aren't you excited?”

“Unbelievably, thanks Mom.” I hugged them both.

"It's actually more for me, than you," Roy said, stepping forward. "Unmuzzled got a gig down in Daytona, and since it's our first big show we all decided to go down there and watch."

"Are you serious?" I asked, grinning. 'Unmuzzled' was Roy's band, they had played a few local shows, but never anything huge.

"Totally serious!" He replied, smiling at me in return. "Now, let's get this party started!"

"Hold on, we're still waiting for--" My mom started, but the doorbell cut her off abruptly.

“Go get the door, Riley.” Dad commanded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

“Just get the door.”

I walked into the foyer and pulled the door open to see three young men standing there.

“Happy birthday!” They all said in unison.

Aiden stepped forward and squeezed me tightly, “Happy Birthday, Flirt, and welcome to the world of legally-adult awesomeness.”

“So, how's it feel to be an adult now, Sharkbait?” Levi asked, putting a small package in my hand as he stepped forward to hug me as well.

“Uh... adult-y?”

He laughed and shook his blond head, stepping aside to let Paul through.

“Jeez, I feel like I should be calling you Ms. Noble now.” He teased, dodging the flick I sent at his forehead.

“Shut up...”

“As you wish, Gramma.” He winked at me and ducked into the house as quickly as he could.

“Yeah, you better run!”

“Can't catch me, Gramma.” He called back from somewhere in the house.

I shook my head, chuckling. “Young whippersnapper,” I quoted Uncle Sol.

“Uncle Sol would be proud of your use of old-people vocabulary,” Levi approved, walking beside me into the kitchen.

“Yeah, now that I'm all old I know all the hip senior-citizen words.”


We both laughed as we stepped into the, now full, kitchen.

“What say we go into the dining room for some breakfast?” My dad suggested, leading the way.

As soon as everyone saw what was on the table they rushed to nab a seat. Four pans of steaming cinnamon rolls sat on cork hotpads in the middle of the table, sending delicious waves of cinnamon fragrance wafting throughout the room.

I inhaled deeply before sitting, my dad said a quick prayer over the meal and then we dug in.


*grumble* Yeah, I know... this chapter is awful. -.- I had the whole thing typed out for ya'll yesterday, but my computer crashed and I really didn't feel like retyping it.... >.< 

I'm about to make up for it, typing up a new chapter as you read this. 

Also! I still need help with casting! Any suggestions?

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