22. A Beautiful Mess

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Squinting my eyes against the mid-day sun, I pushed my sunglasses further up my nose to block the sun’s rays. The hot air felt oppressive and heavy as I breathed, and sweat was beginning to trickle down the back of my neck even though I had only been outside for five minutes.

I was on my way to Danny’s house to see if she had any ideas on this whole “Help Paul Get the Girl” thing that Amber had thought up. We may live in the same neighborhood, but in the summer when my bike’s tires were flat, it seemed like she lived on the other side of town.

At last I reached her drive-way and walked up to the door; I rapped lightly against the door-frame with my knuckles, pressing myself against the cool, shaded concrete of the house’s walls.

Instead of Danny answering the door, Roy did, his blond hair looking tousled and damp.

“Er, hi, Roy,” I greeted awkwardly, doing my very best not to think about how incredibly he looked.

“Hey, Riles,” he grinned, stepping to the side to let me in.

I was hesitant to go in because I didn’t know if Danny was home or not, but when a cool blast of air from inside blew out and hit me, all hesitation flew out the window. I hurriedly stepped over the threshold into the air-conditioned house and breathed a sigh of relief.

As I slipped my shoes off at the door, Roy started asking me questions.

“So, what’s up? Why are you here?” It wasn’t like he was interrogating me--he didn’t sound rude in the slightest, merely curious.

“I was actually here for Danny’s help, is she here?”

Roy’s eyebrows knitted together, “Actually, no. She’s out with Dominique.”

“Oh, okay then…” I sighed, getting ready to slip my shoes back on and go home.

“Just because Danny isn’t here doesn’t mean you have to leave. She left in the morning, so I’m sure she’ll be home soon,” Roy reasoned, and I paused, foot in mid-air. “Besides, I’m sure you don’t want to go back out in the horrible heat.”

I craned my neck so that I could seat out the window, and my eyes were met with heat waves hovering over the concrete sidewalk.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I seceded, putting my foot down and walking back over to him. “But I don’t want to be a burden…” More like I don’t want to be near you because you do weird things to my insides…

“Riles, you could never be a burden.” He grinned down at me and started to walk down the hallway that led to his and Danny’s rooms.

“Where are you going?” I questioned, jogging to match my pace to his long stride.

“My room, duh.” He rolled his eyes at my childish question, and kept walking. He opened the door and stepped in, then paused and looked over his shoulder at me. “You coming?”

I nodded mutely, took a deep breath, and walked past him quickly and into his room.

This was a very bad idea. A bad, bad, bad, bad, bad idea.

“So what did you need Danny’s help with? Maybe I can be of assistance?” He smiled and flopped down onto his bed, locking his fingers together and placing his hands under his neck.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, and laced my own fingers together, wondering if I should ask him for his help in the matter or not. He was a guy after all and may have important insight on how to help Paul win Delaney.

“Er, well… it’s about Paul…”

Instantly, Roy shot up, his hands fell into his lap and his blue eyes pierced me with their intensity. “Did he hurt you?” He growled, his voice dangerously low.

The Dating Departmentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें