28. What's Best For You

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It felt like sunshine was seeping through my skin and bones, permeating my muscles and making my insides turn to jelly it felt so good. It filtered through my eyelids, making everything blindingly red; it started to burn slightly, and my jellified insides suddenly became cookies burnt to a crisp. My previous smile turned into a deep frown and I moved around, trying to escape the burning light.

“Whoa, hold on there, wormy, get back here!” Cool hands grabbed my arms and I immediately stopped squirming. The cool hands moved from my arms to my face, where they brushed away warm hair. They brushed my cheeks softly and I felt myself sigh in relief. “It’s time to wake up, Riley.”

“Mmmm…” I moved my face further into the hands.

“Get your face off of my hands, Flirt, we still have a lot to do.”

I didn’t move; I was too comfortable.

“Riley Jane Noble, get your face out of my hands and wake up right now or I swear I’ll give you a wet willy.”

My brain, although muddled with sleep, immediately recognized the words ‘wet willy’ and jolted me back into the realm of the living.

“I’m awake!” I exclaimed, pulling my face from Aiden’s cool hands and sitting upright.

Aiden’s eyes swept over me once before he stifled a laugh, “You look like a scarecrow.”

“Gee, thanks,” I muttered, smoothing out my shirt, “That’s totally what girls want to hear when they wake up.”

“You make a lovely scarecrow, Flirt.” He chuckled, eyeing me with amusement.

“Shut up.” I stood and stretched, then smacked his arm for good measure.

“Ouch!” He hissed, rubbing his arm. “What the crap was that for?”

“For calling me a scarecrow.” I explained smugly, satisfied that I could still hit fairly well.

“But I called you a lovely scarecrow.” Aiden whined, still rubbing his arm resentfully.

“Thank you for that,” I giggled, taking his hand as we started walking back to my house.

He smiled slightly, “You’re quite welcome.”


“So what’s the plan for today?” I asked, flopping onto the couch and stretching out.

Like he had before, he picked up the top half of my body and dumped it onto his lap once he had sat down. But this time, he started playing with random strands of my hair.

“The sunrise was really the only thing I had planned, actually.” He grinned sheepishly down at me.

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