5. Cheetos and Other Fun

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I glared at Danny who was sitting at her kitchen table munching happily on a bag of Cheetos while I was stuck sitting in a hardwood chair getting my hair done by Amber.

“Please just give me one?” I pleaded, giving Danny the puppy-eyes that had worked so well for me a decade ago.

“Psh. No.” Danny scoffed, tossing another Cheeto into her mouth.

“Why not?” I whined, slouching slightly before Amber kicked my viciously in the shin, causing me to straighten back up again.

“Boys hate slouchers.” She admonished, picking up more of my dark strands and wrapping them around the barrel of a curling iron. “See how I’m doing this, Riley? This is exactly what I want you to do when you go out with Charles on Saturday, alright?”

I scowled at the mirror Amber had set up in front of us so that I could see what she was doing. “Why do I have to look all pretty?” I complained.

“Because you want him to like you, silly.” Amber giggled, letting the, now warm, hair fall back onto my head.

The doorbell rang and Danny hopped up excitedly, abandoning the bag of Cheetos. I licked my lips slowly and contemplated getting up and retrieving the forgotten bag of cheesy, crunchy yumminess. I was about to get up when I felt a sharp tug at the back of my head. I looked at Amber questioningly in the mirror.

“What was that for?”

“You were going to try and steal those Cheetos.”

I did my best to put an innocent face on. “Why, Amber! What would make you think such a thing?”

“Because you have always lusted after my amazing Cheetos, Riley darling.” Danny commented, strolling back into the dining room a package in her hand, and her brother, Roy trailing after her.

“Am I missing something?” Roy asked, raising a blond eyebrow at us.

“Hey Roy.” I greeted brightly, ignoring his question.

“Hey Riley,” he returned, settling himself down into the chair across from me and grabbing the bag of Cheetos. “What’s with the makeover?” He gestured at my make upped face and curled hair.

“Amber here has decided that I need a boyfriend, so now I’m dating three guys.” I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it, but it didn’t stop his eyes from bugging out and him choking on a single crunchy Cheeto.

Three guys?” He spluttered, staring wide-eyed at me.


“They don’t know about each other, I’m assuming.”

“Oh no, they do.”

I honestly didn’t think it was possible, but his blue eyes got even wider. Danny looked like she was trying very hard not to laugh.

“Wha—why—who in their right minds would date a girl who’s dating two other guys?!” He finally managed to choke out.

I think that was the last straw for Danny because she burst out laughing. “Roy, chill dude, it’s some kind of business Amber’s running. It’s actually pretty amusing, and a good source of income.”

“You can’t possibly be serious…” He muttered, shaking his head.

“I’m perfectly serious, broheim.”

“Well I guess I could understand it a little bit…” He acknowledged, rising and walking over to the stairs that led to his room.

“How so?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

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