Chapter 10

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A typical American style buffet was laid out on the table and Marcelo half ran towards the food like he was trying to stop a counter attack, signalling Spencer to follow. Spencer giggles to herself and spots an open bar on the left side of the cafeteria.

She walks up to the bar in desperate need of a cosmo.

"Hi, I'd like a..

"A cosmopolitan and a diet pepsi please", Cristiano finishes her sentence all while flashing his perfect white teeth smile at the bartender who nods in response and gets to work.

"It's still cosmos, right?" he asks her like they're some long lost friends almost making her feel dizzy with confusion. She quickly looks away and nods.

"How have you been, Coli?", he asks her sounding genuine.

"Great, thank you.", she sternly replies still not looking at his face.

Even though she wasn't looking at him, she could feel his stare on her face and she knew he had no intentions of being subtle about it, he was probably doing it deliberately to make her feel uncomfortable.

They both stood there in complete silence when the bartender popped a can of diet pepsi open, poured it in the glass and gestured towards Cristiano making him aware that his order was ready. He picked up the glass and gave her a smile. Spencer couldn't help but wonder why all of these women acted so dumb around him.

He turned to her, took a sip and smiled to himself.

"You remember when you used to come back after long asylum duties we used to sit in the bathtub for hours; you with vodka and me with diet coke and we used to discuss our days in every tiny detail"

Spencer turned her head to face Cristiano only to find his lips curved into a smile and his eyes glowing, it almost looked like he had managed to transport himself back to that time.

"And", he said half laughing "you used to make me refill the tub, alternating hot and cold water", he seemed completely lost in the memory laughing to himself and looking pleased.

"And then you'd just.."

"What do you want, Ronaldo?", she snaps at him emotions bubbling up inside her, every feeling that she's kept locked away was moving free inside her mind with no where to escape, no where to go except her eyeballs or her mouth and she didn't know which would be worse.

"Your drink, miss", the bartender places the glass on the counter and Spencer immediately picks it up and gulps that whole thing down in one go.

While Cristiano just stands there looking at her with a mixture of visible hurt and anger in his eyes.

"What do I want?", he hisses at her "What do I want?.. Look at me, Nicole"

She clenches her jaw and looks directly into his eyes.

"You", he says "That is what I want and you know me well enough amour, to know that when I want something I don't stop at anything or anyone until I get it"

"That's the thing, Cristiano. I am not an 'it'", she says coldly.

"You..", he steps closer to her

"There you guys are!", Iker interrupts

Cristiano takes a step back and his face forms an unreadable expression.

"Coli, please control Marcelo, he'll eat himself sick and I'll have to stay up all night and baby sit him". Spencer knew what Iker's real intentions were and she just placed the empty glass back on the counter, gave him a small smile and a nod and walked towards Marcelo, who was stuffing his already stuff mouth with miniature cheeseburgers.

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