Chapter 5

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"Sir, I've got the most distinguished wine collection in California"

"I can see that, but the bottle is suppose to be a gift and I'm not sure what kind she likes", Henry picked up a bottle of vintage red wine absentmindedly.

"Women prefer red wine, sir. The one in your hand is a great choice, it's a 1958 Bordeaux" he smiled eyeing the bottle.

Henry examined the bottle briefly and decided on buying it.

Damn it! I'm not ready and the stupid sauce isn't prepared Spencer thought as she stirred the sauce. I should've just ordered in like most normal people do, but no! I'm Spencer Carraway and I decide to cook Italian last minute in clothes twice my size! 6:56; Henry will be here any minute now and I look like I haven't bathed for weeks.

Henry walked into the long driveway that spread outside of Spencer's French villa. He walked up the stairs, he checked his reflection and rang the doorbell.

Spencer pulled the brownies out of the oven and decided to go get dressed, as she set the brownies on the counter and removed the apron she heard the doorbell. "Damn!", she closed her eyes frowning and went to open the door.

"Hi! This is for you." Henry kissed her on the left cheek handing her the wine bottle. 

"Hey, thanks." she stepped aside to let him in. 

As she shut the door and turned to look at her guest she found him staring at her amused.

"Don't look so horrified!" she exclaimed, narrowing her eyes at him. 

"Not horrified, just surprised. You could've told me that this was a theme lunch." he teased her as he settled on on the couch. 

"I think you left your humour in the car." she replied.

"Beautiful house, your view is better than mine" he admitted after a minute, deep in thought. 

"I know" she giggled as she got up to leave

"Where do you think you're going?" Henry frowned

"I'm just going to change, it'll only take a minute or two, promise. But, feel free to explore the house" she smiled as she ran upstairs.

Henry looked around and decided to stay put until she returned.

Spencer hurried to her bed room and found the dress she decided to wear waiting for her on the bed. She pulled out of her t-shirt and jeans, washed her face, threw the dress on and went back down to Henry exactly where she left him.

She could sense him staring as she walked towards him making her feel conscious.

"Sorry about that, ready to eat?" she asked.

He nodded and got up not taking his eyes off of her.

Spencer and Henry walked in to the dining room where a large mahogany table was set for two.

"I'll be right back", Spencer disappeared into the adjoining door in the room which Henry concluded was the kitchen.

"Can I be of any help?", he called after her

"Nope" she shouted.

She set two large wooden serving bowls, one with salad and the other with pasta ravioli red sauce, two large platters one with spaghetti and meat balls and other with Lebanese crisps and sauces and a basket full of garlic bread with cheese.

"The food looks incredible, did you make all this?" he asked surprised

"Yes, is it really that hard to believe?" she giggled 

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