Chapter 30

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(A/N: Hello! Sorry i haven't updated im wat to busy with school, band, and home work. Yes i get home work on the first week:/)

Demi P.O.V

3 weeks pasted and we finally moved everything from my apartment to Joe that mine and Zendaya and all of Nick stuff to my apartment, well now Miley.

Im now 5 mouths pregnant, and im bigger then i was with Z at this far long in the pregnancy. Joe, Zendaya and i where on ower way to the hospital to find out the sex of the baby. Joe and i walked in hand and hand while Zendaya was holding my hand. We walked in and singed in. After some time passed we got into a room and my doctor started ride away.

"Well the baby, doing great, hes healthy and i well only have to see you every 4 weeks" She said

"Ohhh okay, so what are we having" I asked

"Your having a..." She said cheecking once again

"A boy" She said and riped the gale off my belly.

"Joey" I said

"Ohh my god" He said

"Wait, im gonna have a baby brother" Zendaya asked

"Yeah, baby you are" I said and

"Babe" I said

"Where having a baby boy" Joe said and kissed me and i kissed back.

"I love you" He said

"I love you too" I said

"Come one, lets go for lunch and well meet up with Miley and Nick" He said and helped me up.

After lunch we went back to Ower apartment. Nick and Miley where happy we where having a boy. When we got to ower apartment Zendaya and Joe changed into something to swim in and went to the pool. I stayed behind and took a nap. Being pregnant tires you out.

After a long, long, long nap i woke up to a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Morning baby" Joe said

"Hey" I said

"How was your nap" He asked

"Wonderful" i said

"Im glade because Zendaya and i made dinner" He said

"Awww thank boo" I said and kissed him and he helped me off the bed and walked me to the dinning room table.

"Hey baby" I said and kissed Zendaya cheek

"Morning mommy" She said

"Awww dont you look cute, in your apron" I said and sat down at the table

"Thanks mommy you hungry" she asked

"Starving" I said

"Good, cause we made alot" Joe said and kissed me

"So what did you make" I asked

"Lasagna" Joe said and open the top to show me

"Babe, its cute that you tiyed but um i think your burned it" I said and he looked at it

"Opps" he said and closed it really fasted

and Zendaya started laughing

"im sorry" He said

"How about we order chinese, im craving chinese" I said

"Anything" He said and order chinese

I am loving life, i have the most amazing daughter a soon to be son the most amazing friends and the best boyfriends ever. I love how he ties so hard but at the end it does work. I love it though. I love him and everything in my life.

My Daughters Teacher (Jemi) (Going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now