Chapter 24

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Demi P.O.V

I woke up the next morning with a pain in my stomach and in my head. I got out of bed slowly not wanting to wake joe or anybody. I went to the bathroom. Did my bissnes, went to the the hall closet got myself a blinket, turned on the tv and layed on the couch in a ball.

Two hour passsed and i was snizzing, coughing, I feel worst and worst by the minutes. Joe soon then walked out and found me laying on the couch coughing my guts out.

"Babe, your couch sounds groos, are you okay" He asked checking my forehead

"Babe, your forehead hot, do you have a thermometer" He asked

"Under bathroom sink, first aid" I said trying to make since

He goes to the bathroom and comes back with the thermometer checks my thempater.

"Wow you sure do have a fever" He said

"Do you need anything" He asked

"Tea, soup" I said

He then goes to the kitchen. Miley came out.

"Babe, you sound and look groos" Miley said to me

"Gezz, thanks" i said

"Aww your sick boo" She said and step back

"dont get me sick" she said and i fliped her off

"Hey, your mean for someone whos sick" She said

"Mommy" Zendaya said coming into the living room.

"Mommy, you dont look to go" she said

"Mommy, sick" Miley said

"Aww mommy its okay ill take care of" She said

"Thanks baby" i said

"Here you go" Joe said handing me tea i sat up and drank some

"Thank you" I said

"Well i gotta go to work" Miley said walking out

"Is nick here" I asked

Joe poked his head in miles room.

"Yea he's passed out" Joe said

"Z you hungry" Joe asked

"Yeah" She said

"Pancakes" He asked

"Yup" She said

"You need anything" He asked

"Yeah pian killers" I said

Joe went to the bathroom and handed me two pain killers.

Him and Z started making pancakes while i drank my tea and watched tv.


Few days, Few weeks passed its 2 days before chrismas. The Happyist time of the year. Not for me this year. My brother, My parent and Baby daddy are coming any minute. Im freakin out. My brother and i are fine. Its just my parents and Zendaya dad. That im super nervous about. Nick, Miley and Joe are here with me and Z. They where playing uno, while i was trying to clean the apartment. It wasn't dirty i was just making sure i was perfect.

"Babe, calm down it be fine" Miley said as i was pacing back and forth biting my skin on the tip of my finger.

"Shit" I said as i relised i was bleeding cause i was biting my finger. I got a bandage and made Joe put it on me.

"It be fine" Joe said and kissed me. When he kissed me i felt a release but it soon came back when there was a knock on the door.

"There here" I said

My Daughters Teacher (Jemi) (Going under editing)Where stories live. Discover now