Chapter 10

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Miley P.O.V

Zendaya and i arrived to the park. we both got out the car and i grabed her hand. "Miley, push me" Zendaya said dragging me to a swing. I helped her up and i started pushing her. I noticed these cut guys playing volleyball, and some females. i was pushing Zendaya while cheecking out the guy

"Higher, Higher" I head Zendaya say so i pushed her Higher.

A few minutes later, she wanted to get off so i got her off and went to the jungle gym things. she told me to wait for her at the bottom of the slide so i did. she came down with her hands in the air and with a big smile. God this child so adorable and those pick tells dont help. i then spoted a guy on an icecream bike thing pasted the volleyball player. i asked Zendaya if she wanted an ice cream and she sead yes. i grabed her hand and started walking towards the ice cream man. While stell looking at the shirtless Volleyball guys. i noticed this cute, dark hair curly, guy had the ball and was going to spike it when it hit me in the face, on my cheek bone, causing me to fall.

"Miley you okay" Zendaya asked.

i sat up slowly using my elbows for support. Wheni noticed the guy who hit me running towards me. He then neels nexts to me

"Im so sorry, im really am" He said

"Its fine" i sad siting up. he then stands up and reaches his hand out. i took it and he helped me

"Im Nick by the way" he said with a smile

"Miley" i said and smiled back

"Again im sorry, can i by you an ice cream, it is hot out here" he said

"Umm" i said and looked at Zendaya

"Its okay ill by you both one" he said laughing a bit

"Dont you have to get back to your game" i asked

"No actually we just losted cause of me, Sorry" He said once again

"I guess it be okay to by us an ice cream" i said and grabbed Zendayas hand. Nick smiled at us and we walked over to the icecream guy.

"Ill have a chocolate, Zendaya what do you want" i asked her

"Strawberry" She said

"And ill have a lime" Nick said and gave the guy 3 dollars

"Thanks for the icecream" I said and was about to walk off

"Wait your gonna let me eat alone" he said

"Would you want to join us" i said

"Sure" He said with a cheesy smile. We went to a bench and sat down. Zendaya sat in between us and i opend her ice cream for her then mine.

"Is she yours" Nick asked

"No, her mom my best friend and she had to work late so i offer to take care of her" I said

"And her dad" He asked

"Zendaya why dont you go play" i said

"what about my ice cream" She asked

"Be careful and dont drop it" i said and she went off to go play

"Her mom got pregnant at a party at a young age got kicked out of her house so she dropped out of school came here, lets just say her farther was a one night stand" i said telling this stranger my best friend story.

"She was a trouble child" he asked

"You have no idea" i said

"So tell me about you" he asked

"Um okay i meet her mother thow work 6 years ago, i lived for 21 years, my hole life. I was a spoiled child cause im an only child so i got what ever i want, my parents are very busy people so i dont see them much and im probably not going to come here ever again, ill be to afraid to get hit by another ball" i said joking at the last part which mad him laugh

"So tell me about you" i added

"Umm okay, Im 21 as well im the youngest of 2 older brothers. One brother a doctor the other a teacher and im a couch for Volleyball at a high school, My farther a doctor and my mothers an ER nurse. And im sorry once again" He said he looks alot like Joe

"Your brother a teacher, what gread does he teach" i asked

"Kindergarten" He said

"Is your brother Joe Jonas" i said

"Yeah, how you know

"He's Zendaya's teacher and hes always making my job harder then it is" i said

"Where do you work at" He asked

"The cheeseCake Shop" I said

"Ohh your miley yeah my brothet told me about you, he says he enjoys make your day hard" Nick said

"Wow what a jerk" i said laughing. Nick laughed as well

"You know Zendayas Mom has like this crush on him" I added

"Really cause he told me he like one of his students mom's, umm something With a D i totally for got her name,... umm.." Nick sad thinkin really hard

"Demi" i said

"Yeah" Nick said

"Maybe we should go on a double date or something" Nick added

"Where going to take Zendaya to Petter Piper's Pizzza later at like 8 today, you want to go " i said

"sure ill tell Joe" Nick said

"Can i have your number to call you" he asked

"Sure" i said and gave him my phone to put his number in and he did so.

"So ill see you tonight" he said

"yeah" i said and he walked off. i got up and walked towards Zendaya

"Z lets go" i said

"Okay" She said and we went to my car, i buckled her in and we went home.

My Daughters Teacher (Jemi) (Going under editing)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora