Chapter 13

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Demi P.O.V

An hour past and i was watching Zendaya play in the jungle gym, thingy. She was on top of the slide and some little boy maybe a year or two older then her, pushed her. Down the slide. I suddenly heard crying and i know it was Zendaya. Joe, Miley and myself rushed towards her. I picked her up and she buried her face in my necl while crying.

"Im so sorry" The little boys mom im guessing said to me

"is she okay" She added

i looked at Zendaya and i saw her holding her finger tight

"You, okay baby" i asked her

"My finger" Zendaya said while crying into my neck.

"Im so sorry" The mom said again

"ita fine" i said mad

"Miles ima take Zendaya to the hospital" i told miley

"ill go with you" joe said

"here Miley, you and nick can take my car once his game finishes" Joe said and gave miley her keys and i started walking to my car and Joe followed me.

"Can you drive" I said and handed Joe my keys while i got in the back with Zendaya on my lap crying her eyes out.

Joe nodded and got in the driver set.

"Baby, let me see your finger" i said to zendaya, strocking her hair. she shock her head no and continued crying

"shhh, baby it be okay let mommy see your finger please" i said to her and she slowly showed me, still crying

Her finger did look bad

"Can you move it" i asked her

she tryed moving her finger, but cryed louder. I heeld her tighter to my body and played with her hair, trying to calm her down. But it wasn't working.

15 minutes later Joe finally got to a children hospital, Zendaya was still crying just not as loud. We walked in and went to the front desk.

"How may i help you" I male nurse asked

"My daughter got pushed off the slide at a park and she can move her finger" I said

"Her name" he asked typing in the computer

"Zendaya Lovato" i said

"date of birth" he asked

"September 6, 2006" i said

"please take a sit and someone well be right with you" He said

I found two empty sits and sat in one and Joe sat nexts to me

"Thank you for coming with me" i told Joe

"No problem" Joe said and smiled at me and i smiled back

"Mommy" Zendaya said sounding sad, like shes been crying

"What's wrong baby" I asked looking at her she had her head rested on my chest

"What they gonna do to me" She ask

"There gonna cheeck your finger and make sure its okay" i told her and kissed her forehead

"There not gonna poke me with a niddle" She asked scread of niddles

"No baby" i said to her and held her closer to my body

10 minutes later

"Zendaya Lovato" The male nurse from before said coming out of a door.

Joe and i stood up with Zendaya in my arma and walked towards him

"Follow me please" He said and we did he took us to a room

"A doctor well be right with you" He said and walked out

I sat on the bed with Zendaya on my lap and Joe took a set in a chair across from us. It was kinda quite between us. I dont really know what to say. Lucky the doctor walked in.

"Hi im Dr. Jones" He said and looked though his clip board

"So what seams to be the problem" He asked

"We were at the park and some kid pushed her down the slide and she started crying and said her finger hurt" i said

Dr.Jones cheeck her heart bet then wrote something down. he got a stool and sat in front of us

"Can i see yout finger" Dr.Jones asked Zendaya

Zendaya had her head buring in my neck and was shy. She was hinding both her hand in my side. He Dr.Jones asked to see her finger. she showed him

"Can you make your finger straight" He asked showing her what he means.

Zendaya tryed movied her right index finger straight, but couldn't. She mad a pouting face and shook her head no.

"Hold on" Dr. Jones said

He went into some draws and stared looking throw them. He got a finger brace and came back towards us.

"Now ima put your finger in this, but its gonna hurt a bit okay" Dr. Jones said and Zendaya handed him her finger

He started slowly movies her finger straight. She gripped my hand as tight as she can, trying to stop the pain. I can tell she was tearing up a bit from the pain. Dr.Jones got her finger straight and put the brace on it.

"There you go" He said to Zendaya then looked at me

"she push wear it all day, all night exsept in the bath" He said

"Okay" I told him

"I need you to fill his out and ill be back in a bit" He said and handed me a clip board with a two pages on it.

"Here baby set right here so i can fell this out" I said to Zendaya and sat her nexta to me and she was looking at her brace.

"Does your finger feel better z" I heard Joe say. and zendaya nodded giving him a thumbs up.

"How well i do work at school" Zendaya asked Joe

"It be fine, ill help you" Joe said to her and she smiled at him and he smiled back.

I finished the paper work and Dr.Jones walked in and i handed him the clip board.

"Thank you, you are free to go" Dr. Jones said and handed Zendaya a princes sticker.

i picked Zendaya up

"What do you say Z" I said to her

"Thank you for the sticker and fixing my finger" Zendaya said making us all laugh i kissed Zendaya cheeck and he headed to the car.

"You want me to drive, or do you wanna drive" Joe asked

"You can drive" i told him and put Zendaya in the back and sat in the passenger sit.

"So where to" Joe asked starting the car.

"IceCream" Zendaya said from the back sit

"You got your set belt on baby" i asked her

"Yup" She said

"Can you go to an ice cream poler" i asked Joe

"Of Course" he said and started driving

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