Chapter 22

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2 week past and Zendaya been having soccer practice at school with Joe and some of the other students in her gread. They been having practice for about two week, they have one more week of practice then Zendaya has 2 weeks off from school. After the 2 weeks the games start.

Since Zendaya been having practice and she gets out of practice at 4:30 ive been working a bit later to earn extra money since Christmas is in two weeks.

I was exposed to get off work at 4 so ill have time to go get Zendaya from practice, but my boss is making Miley anand i stay till 6 and wants us to close up. So i asked Joe if he could drop Zendaya off here at the shop once they finish practice, but Joe offer to take her to the park till i get out and drop her off at the apartment.

Joe P.O.V

It was 4:30 and Zendaya was waiting for Demi to come pick her up. So i walked over to her her.

"Hey Z your mom and Miley are working late tonight, and she asked me to watch you till she gets out" I said as i sat next to her on the bench

"Okay" She said with a devilish smile but i just brush it off

"So you wanna go to the park?" i asked her

"Yeah, should be fun" She said and keep her devilish smile on

"Lets go" I said and we walked to my car

We got to the park and Zendaya jumpes out of the car and ran to the jungle gym, she looked back at me and started laughing.

She got to the top and slid down the slide she looked over to her left and saw people that are probably nicks and i age playing volleyball. She then looked at me and smiled devilish and raised one of her eyebrow.

She then ran to the people playing volleyball ball and ran around them. I then ran after her.

"Im so sorry" I said to the volleyball players while i was chasing Z

"Z, get back here" I said and she just laughed

"Z, im being serious" I said

I finally cought her.

"Got you" i said and though her over my shoulder

"Im so sorry" I said once again to the people playing volleyball

"Z you are in so much trouble" I said

"Who cares" She said and we walked over to a bench

"Your mom gonna get mad once i tell her" i said and stuck my tough out at her and she stuck it back

"Hey" A very very very familiar voice said i looked at the person infront of us and stood up

"what you doing here" I asked a bit harsh

"Im actually here with my sister playing volleyball and i saw you and i thought i say hi" my ex. girlfriend

"its nice seeing you again" I said hoping she'll leave

"Can we talk" She asked

"Z why dont you go play" I said and looked at her

"Only if you dont tell mom about me running around then i wont tell her your talking to another girl" She said

"Deal" I said and we bumped fist and she went to go play

"Cute kid, who is she" Shd asked as we sat on the bench

"Um yeah she's a student if mine" i said

"Really it sounds like she more to you"

"um yeah her mom and i are kinda dating" I said

"Ohh that good" She said

"Yeah" I said

We started talking a bit more till Demi called and said she was home. I drove Zendaya and my self to Demi apartment.

When we got there Zendaya and i gor off my car and wenr up the staries. Zendaya opened the door and we walked in.

"Mommy" She yelled though out the apartment

"In the bathroom" Demi said

"So ower deal still on" Zendaya said to me

"Ima tell her i talked to the other girl but dont worry i wont snich you out" i told zendaya

"Good, cause if you where i already hada plan" She said and Demi came out

"Hey how was the park" She asked and walked towards us

"I had an awesome time" Zendaya said and went to her and Demi room

"Did she give you a hard time" Demi asked and sat on the couch

"No, she was an angle" I said and sat next to her

"Are you being sarcastic because you, nick and miley call her a devil child" Demi said and layed back and placed her bear feet on my lap

"Yeah i am, she wasn't mad" I said and i started massaging her feet

"Thanks again for watching her" I said

"No problem" I said and looked down at her feet

"Is everything okay" I heard Demi ask

"Yeah, im good" i said and put on a fake smile

"Actually im not" I said

"You wanna talk about it" Demi asked

"Yeah, i ran into my ex. girlfriend at the park today" I said

"And we talked and talked till you called" I said nervous talking about my ex girlfriend with my current girlfriend

"Did you two kiss" Demi asked sitting up and sitting india style side ways on the couch

"No, no we didn't i told her we where together" Joe said

"Oh, so what did you two talk about" Demi asked

"we talked about what we been up to since we broke up, we talked about ower past, old memorys, you know that kinda stuff" I said

"Do you miss her" Demi asked

"To be honest i do we where together since we where in 10th gread all the way till about 10 mouths ago" Joe said

"Oh" Demi said looking down

"But im glad we aren't together no.more, you know why" I asked

"Why" Demi said sounding a bit sad and mad

"Because i wouldn't be with a girl that so beautiful today" i said

"More beautiful then your ex" She asked

"Way beyond" I said and kissed her

"Am i more handsome them your ex" i asked

"A little less" Demi said with a big smile

"What!" I said

"kidding" She said and kissed me

"Your the most handsome-ist man i ever layed eyes on" she said

"Your so corny" i said

"So are you" Demi said hitting me lightly on the chest

"That makes two of us" i said and kissed her

(A/N: Hey sorry i haven't been updating i started band practice and my brother and his girlfriend are leaving with us so its kinda hard to get some a lone time when theres 5 people living in a 3 bedroom house.)

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