Dimension Paladins

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Starlight Protector, Aleli
Power: 6000
Shield: 0
Race: Sylph
Text: I will protect the stars!
[AUTO] [Choose a card from your hand and discard it] When this unit is placed on GC from hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your vanguards that is being attacked and that unit cannot be attacked until the end of that battle. If there's a Starlight Protector, Aleli in the drop zone, Countercharge 1.

Dimension Ringer
Stand Trigger
Power: 5000
Shield: 10000
Race: Battleroid
Text: Alert! Alert!

Dimension Mage, Pollux
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Race: Human
Text: Let's gather allies.
[ACT/1][RC][Counterblast 1] When your vanguard's power is 13000 or more before attacking, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck up to 1 unit, call it to RC and shuffle your deck.

Interdimensional Warper, Procyon
Power: +15000
Race: Human
Text: Let's travel together across the universe.
[AUTO][VC]When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your units, put it at the bottom of your deck, search your deck up to one card, call it to a RC, shuffle your deck and that unit gets +3000 until the end of the turn.

Galactic Healer, Atrias
Heal trigger
Power: 5000
Shield: 10000
Race: Sylph
Text: I'll travel from the farther distance of the galaxy just to aid everyone.

Interdimensional Drive Dragon, Nexus Dominator
Power: +15000
Race: Cosmo Dragon
Text: Sacrifices are needed to be made to grasp victory.
GB3 [ACT/1][Counterblast 2 & Choose a faced down card named Interdimensional Drive Dragon, Nexus Dominator from the G-Zone and flip it face up] This unit gets +10000 plus 1 crit and [AUTO][Retire 3 units] When this unit attacks a vanguard, if this unit's power is 40000 or greater, you may pay the cost. If you do, your opponent cannot guard a grade 1 or higher from hand to GC.
(It does not activate from increases due to boosting and guarding)

Dimension Alliance Commander, Canopus
Critical trigger
Power: 5000
Shield: 10000
Race: Human
Text: You must obey my orders.

Warping Saviour, Bellatrix
Draw trigger
Power: 5000
Shield: 5000
Race: Sylph
Text: I will always appear whenever you will need me.

Army Droid, Biham
Stand trigger
Power: 4000
Shield: 10000
Race: Workeroid
Text: Be prepared.
GB1 [ACT] [Put this card at the bottom of your deck] If your vanguard's power has 28000 or more, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at the top 3 cards, search for up to one card, call it to RC and put the rest at the bottom of your deck in any order.
(It does not activate from increases due to boosting and guarding)

Enforcement Warper, Markab
Power: 9000
Shield: 5000
Race: Human
Text: I have gathered enough troops to help us out.
[AUTO] [Counterblast 1] When this unit is placed on RC, you may pay the cost. If you do, choose one of your vanguard and it gets +4000 power until the end of the turn and [AUTO] If this unit's power is 13000 or greater, search your deck up to one card, call it to a RC and shuffle your deck.
(It does not activate from increases due to boosting and guarding)

Galaxy Guardian Aid, Tarazet
Power: 7000
Shield: 5000
Race: Human
Text: I will always assist my lady, no matter what.
[AUTO][Reveal a grade 3 from hand] When this unit is placed on RC from hand, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck for up to one grade 3 with Andromeda in its card name, reveal it to your opponent, put into your hand, shuffle your deck, choose a card from your hand and discard it.
[CONT.] (Hand) When you would pay the cost of Stride, this card gets grade +2.

Galaxy Saviour, Bellatrix
G Guardian
Shield: 15000
Race: Noble
Text: I will save the galaxy with my own hands.
[AUTO] When this unit is placed on GC, choose one of your rearguard unit and a unit from the drop zone and put it at the bottom of the deck. If you do, this unit gets [Shield] +5000 until the end of the battle.

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