Chapter 24

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Jenna's P.O.V.

I have started to be able to walk on my own again. I'm walking through the halls of my school. I see Ross pass by me and he doesn't say anything to me. It has been a few weeks since my last encounter with Ross. When I told him that I didn't love him. Well, specifically that maybe I couldn't say it back. He hasn't talked to me since, even when we are in school he hasn't talked to me. Even when I'm at Angie's house and he's there, he wont talk to me. Angie knows that he hasn't been talking to me and trying to get him to talk to me. Whenever I try and talk to him he would just walk away.

 I see Arter and he smiles a little at me. Arter. Let's just say things have been extremely awkward between us ever since that talk in the car. I mean we talk at least. Like a few hellos in the hall and stuff like that but we haven't had a real conversation since. He did text me the first thing to get over him. It said only two words. Ignore me. That was it. Just ignore me. Simple right? No, not at all. I still get all wibbly wobbly when he's around. 

I walk into class and of course Arter is in it with me and sits right next to me. I start taking notes as the teacher talks and a piece of paper soon appears on top of my notebook. I look at Arter and he is signaling for me to read it. I open it. This is what it says:

We need to talk. Meet me after school at the park.

I faced him and I nod. He smiles softly and starts to write down notes. Soon the bell rings for second period. Great. . .I have it with Ross. I walk to class and sits in my seat. My teacher then tells the class that we are doing partners today. Crap. That was the first thing that came to my mind. I mean who would want to partner up with me. Angie isn't in my class. Ross and I are no longer dating. I think. Well we haven't talked for a while now so I would think that we are no longer dating, right?

The list of partners are on the board. I look for my name and looks at the name that is next to mine. Raphael. Oh thank god. I look around and looks for him. I see him at his seat talking to the person in front of him. Ross. Great. Note: that was sarcastic. Raphael looks at the board and sees that my name is next to his and looks around the room for me and when he spots me he waves for me to come over. Ross looks at the board to see who his partner over and he waves for a girl with dark hair and gray eyes to come over. I guess that's his partner. I cant seem to remember her name. As I am walking towards Raphael, I look over at the board to look for the girls name. Found it! Sabrina. I sit in the seat next to Raphael but he is to busy talking with Ross that neither of them notice me coming over. I guess Ross is staying right by us.

"Ross. Raphael. Stop talking, please. Raphael. We have work to do." I say to the boys.

"Oh hey, Jenna. Sorry, yeah lets do some work." Raphael says and starts working on the worksheet. I look over at Ross and I see him looking up at me. When he sees me looking at him, he looks down with a painful facial expression. I look down and starts to do the worksheet. When the period is over, I rush right to Ross.  He just walks away from me but I know that he saw me come over to him. 

"Ross!" He stops for a second but then keeps walking. "Ross!" He keeps walking. "God dammit. Ross!" I go in front of him and blocks him from walking more. He stops but doesn't look at me. He keeps looking straight. I hate being shorter than him at this moment. "Will you look at me?!" I tell him. He does nothing. "Say something will you?" My patience was running out. 

"What do you want me to say?!" He snaps and looks at me. His eyes were a mix of anger and sadness. "What would you say when the girl you are dating and you love is in love with someone else. Not her boyfriend."

"Ross-" I begin to say but he cut me off. If he didn't cut me off, I still would not know what to say to that. 

"Don't bother, Jenna. You may not love me but that does not mean that I will not be there for you. No matter what I will always be beside you." He looks at me and purses his lips into a straight line then walks away. I was in the hallway, too stunned to move.


After school, I get into my car and drive to the park. On the way there I get a phone call from Angie. She was confused as to why Arter has canceled their plans after school. I lied to her and told her that I didn't know. She seemed really upset. Well I don't blame her. But why would he cancel his plans just to talk to me and not go to his girlfriend?

When I get there I see Arter on the swings. I get out of my car and walks to the empty swing that was next to him. 

I ask him the question that has been bugging me. "Why did you cancel your plans with Angie?"

"Are you over me yet?" He asks quietly. He ignored my question. And another thing, you don't jsut ask someone that question yet.

"I don't know." I lied. My heart was beating so fast just being around him. 

It was quiet for the next five minutes. We didn't know what to say to each other. 

"What now?" He asks.

"I don't know. I guess it is back to ignoring each other."

 "No." He says. "Anything but that. I don't know why but ignoring you is killing me. I want to be able to talk to you again. I want to be able to be friends with you again." 

"We never were friends. Just boyfriend and girlfriend that was it." I say quietly. "But that all changed when I found out about the bet."

"I know. I wish you never found out. It was wrong of me to even do that." He looks at me sadly.

"But if I never found out then we would still be together and you wouldn't be with Angie."

"Maybe that is what I want!" He says quickly. He looked shocked at his own words like he didn't mean for them to come out. "That is what I want, I wish we were still together. But I understand that you don't wish that. I wish I had never hurt you. Nobody will break you while I am here." He gets up and walks away. Why are boys doing that these days?! Saying something big but then walk away. They just walk away from their problems. 

Who knew that my senior year would be the year of the most drama for the nerd? The drama which includes a popular boy and a boy that everyone wants.



I will try to post more but it will be hard!

The song above is Beside You by Marianas Trench.

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