Chapter 12

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When lunch came around, I didn't want to deal with Angie or Arter so I went to the library and luckily nobody was in there.  Then came ninth period which was art so that class went by pretty easily. When the bell rang to go home, I went into the parking lot and saw Arter and Angie by my car, looking for me and when they saw me, Angie smiled and waved. I looked over at Arter who was looking at me with relief but at the same time sadness in his eyes. I look back over at Angie and I do a weak smile.

"I have to go, my mom wants me to be home now. I'm sorry." Angie nods and moves out of the way and so does Arter. I get into my car and texts Ross asking if I can come over to his house to talk. He texts me back saying yes. I wave bye at Arter and Angie and I exit the parking lot. Around the corner right by the park, I drive by and see the kids playing and having the time of their lives. I smile at the memory of being in the park around the kids age. I look forward and see the light turn red, so I step on my brakes quickly but not in time. The next thing I know is going through the red light and feeling a collision on my door and a crunch sound where my ribs were, glass falling everywhere cutting my skin, the car doing flips and then everything going black.


I start to wake up but I was outside of the car in screaming pain, I see paramedics running towards me with a stretcher. I turn my head to the park and I see Angie and Arter yelling at the police. The paramedics reach me and put me on the stretcher and get me into the ambulance and starts driving me to the hospital, my vision starts to get hazy. I couldn't breathe, then everything went dark.


I wake up to the sound of beeps and the television noise. My eyes flutter open, the first thing I see was the wires that were all around my body, fluids and other stuff going through them. I looked around and I see a I.V. that was in my arm. "Jenna, you're awake. Oh my baby! You're awake! The doctors said you might be in a coma, but you aren't. Oh my god, Jenna. You scared me!" I look over to the person who was talking. It was my mother. I look outside and see that there were chairs outside my door and in three of the chairs was Angie, who was crying, Ross, who was trying to comfort Angie, and then there was Arter. Whenever a doctor passed by the room, he would look up at the doctor with hope in his eyes and when the doctors pass the room he would look down at the ground and put his face in his hands. You could tell that he was stressed out and worried and sad.

Then when a doctor went into my room, Arter saw and stood up and looked into the room before the door shut. I looked up at him, my eyes were swollen so I couldn't see him that well. My head throbbed whenever I moved my head. My legs and one of my arms were stiff, I couldn't move them. When he saw me and I guess he started to tear up when he saw me awake and my physical condition, I guess I had a little of scratches on me and bandages.

"Hello, I am Dr.Loui. Can you tell me how you feel?"

I try and speak clearly but it doesn't work. "mwi wead wurtz."

"Your head hurts?" I nod. "Anything else?"

"I wan't fweel anything." I was having trouble breathing just talking.

"Anything else?" I shake my head. He nods and tells the nurse something.

When the doctor leaves. The nurse goes to my side and tells me, "You're paralyzed from the waist down. It's only temporary, we think, we are not positive." I nod and gulp and I feel tears in my eyes. "With therapy we are sure you can walk again." I smile weakly and feel my eyelids get droopy. I smile sleepily. "Now, honey, get rest. You had a long day." I smile and feel myself fall asleep.


I wake up in the middle of the night, and hear a voice, I could recognize that voice anywhere, so I don't open my eyes. "Jenna, I can't do what you told me to do. I can't fall for Angie. I've already fallen for someone else. Hard. I fell for you. You-You are the sun to my moon." He the chuckles. "Okay that was cheesy. Since Angie told me that you are a Fangirl and read twilight, the lion fell in love with the lamb. If it wasn't for that bet, I wouldn't have fallen in love with you. You may hate that, but I'm thankful for it. You're the person I will never stop looking for in a crowd. I will wait for you, I don't care how long it takes, honestly I just want you no one else. I'm in love with the thought of you, whenever I think of you or see you, my heart starts like beating so fast, I can't think, can't breathe. You make me feel that way. I wish I can forget the look on your face when you found out about the bet. It broke my heart. And I'm so so sorry." His voice cracked and he breathed in deeply then his voice went back to normal."You can tell me about any girl in the world, a princess, celebrity, you name it. You might think they are prettier than you, smarter, or more interesting. But I will always choose you. Always. When I'm with you, I feel like I'm at home. I will never forget the moment I realized I loved you. We were at the movies, where we had our first kiss? Yeah that's when I realized I first loved you. When we kiss, it feels like I'm bursting in happiness and sparks or something. I fell for you. I ache for you. I want you. Only you. When I started listening to love songs after out first kiss, they were all about you, us, whatever we have. Had. I always smile like an idiot when I talk to you or think of you. I think I'm going to be in love with you a long, long time. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you. And never forget that." He then does something that surprises me he kisses me gently on the lips, I smile I tot he kiss. I don't kiss him back, I don't want him knowing that I hear everything. "Now, if only I can tell you all of that when you are awake." He sighs and his chair skids across the floor and the door than shuts.

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