Chapter 13

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I'm getting out of the hospital today. Only in a few minutes. I've been having physical therapy to help me walk again. First few times I went, I've fallen but I'm getting better. A nurse then comes into my room with a wheelchair.

"Here sweetie, I'll help you in." She then helps me rise from my bed and into the wheelchair. Then she wheels me into the siting room where my mom was and I saw someone sitting next to her. It was my dad. He was still in work clothes. I guess he came right from work.

"Daddy?" I say, my voice was hoarse and soft, I couldn't really speak. The impact didn't hurt my neck badly enough that I my voice hurt whenever I spoke but not to badly, where my neck was broken. So I got lucky with that. My dad then comes to me and bends down because of me being in a wheelchair and hugs me softly and buries his face in my neck and I feel drops of warm water on m neck. "Don't cry, daddy, or you'll make me cry."

"Sorry, baby, it's just I cant see you like this. All hurt. It hurts my heart. I missed you ,sweety. I tried to some as soon as possible. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you in the beginning."

"It's fine daddy, I'm fine, I'm just tired." I yawn, I've been tired a lot lately. All of that physical therapy is sucking all the life away from me. But it is all paying off. I should be able to walk by next week.

"Okay, let's go home and get you some rest." We were then off.


The next day was school, I wanted to go back. I cant break my perfect attendance.

It was so embarrassing but my mother had to help me get dressed because I was still so sore in places. I have bruises on my arms and one on my cheekbone and more on my legs and scars. I have a scar that was right behind my ear so I left my hair down but of course my mother took this as an opportunity to straighten it, so I let her, she looked so happy doing it. It made me feel happy.

My mother drove me to school, when we got there she took the wheelchair out of the car and helped me get into it. Arter sees me and comes over, when my mother sees him, she starts having a conversation with him. Something my mother said made him laugh and he nodded and my mother gave him my backpack. Then my mother left and left me there with Arter. My mother dropped me off at the school early.

"How are you feeling?" He says to me as he pushes me to my locker.

"I've been better." He chuckles at that.

"Yeah, I can t-"

"I heard everything you said at the hospital." I blurted out. Why did I have to say that?!

"About what?" He was blushing bright red.

"What you said when I was asleep, or when you thought I was asleep. About you saying that you cant fall for Angie because you were still in love with me. "

"I can exp-"

"Arter! I don't care about what Angie will think right now just. God dammit. Kiss me already!" He stopped the wheelchair and went in front of it and bent down to where my face was.

"I've been waiting for you to say those words." Then he leans in to kiss me but I hear a girls voice.

Not any girl's.


I then push Arter away from me but it was too late. Angie saw.

"Jenna? Arter?"

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