Tagged by the Hand of God

138 11 5

April 11, 2016

Hello! This is strictly an informative chapter, an "About the Author" chapter, as I was "tagged" by @BellaRee to participate in a "13 Facts About Me" endeavor. (I apologize to those readers who were expecting a new chapter to "Creatures of God.")


It is necessary to post all of the rules.

You have to say 13 things about yourself.

You cannot refuse.

You shall complete this challenge within one week, or risk punishment as seen fit by the tagger.

The post must be made in any book as a chapter, meaning it cannot be placed in the comments section. (I have seen it placed on a person's profile page though. Also, some people have specific tag books.)

You must make a creative name for the chapter.

You shall tag 15 other people to do this.

13 Things About Me:

1)  JohnAAJoseph is my pen name. It is not my real name, although "John" happens to be my middle name.

2)  I am a Midwestern guy. Born and raised in Missouri. Now I live and work in Kansas.

3)  I am married to my college sweetheart, with children.

4)  My all-time favorite movie is "Star Wars," although "Alien" would be a close second.

5)  Favorite TV show: Mad Men. (I enjoy "Game of Thrones," but my wife does not.) 

6)  I am a general sports fan, but especially love baseball. I love the Kansas City Royals and the St. Louis Cardinals. I also love Sporting KC (soccer), the Kansas Chiefs (football) and the St. Louis Blues (hockey).

7)  My favorite musical band is U2, although the last concert I went to (and loved) was Pink Martini.

8)  Growing up, I quickly became a fan of the horror genre. My all-time favorite horror movie is "The Exorcist." (I also once stayed up until 3:00 in the morning before an important college interview watching "The Omen.")

9)  Also while growing up, one of my favorite authors was Stephen King. My favorite story was "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption," from King's book of short stories "Different Seasons."

10)  During childhood, I was a real comic book fan. My favorite character was The Flash.

11)  Although I have been very blessed to have traveled to many countries in my lifetime, the truth is, I am now very afraid to travel outside of the U.S.

12)  I am Catholic. (Please do not take that "for" or "against" me.)

13)  My education is in Biology, but if I could go back to school, I would study Economics (or writing?)

I tag: (my sincerest apologies for involving you guys)

jaeshanksjeshi99HishamMadanymeharrjdawgNessa_RozeroScarletletterhearttherapyasapWOLFOFFREEDOMDany1908marwathemuffinGood_Night_Lock, @Mahamlkram, blackandwhite_stars, @Nytolia_Prussia, august29rain

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