"You can't kill me." I say challenging.

That shut him right up. But it didn't stop him from still glaring at me.

Just when I thought all was well (haha sarcasm is so fun), he grabbed me by my elbow, pulling me towards him.

"Let me go!" I demanded.

"Keep still or it will hurt." He threatened.

I instantly stilled. I was beginning to shake again. What did he mean?

Just then I felt a sting of pain and realized he bit down onto my neck.

"Stop! Get off me!" I tried to pull myself out of his hold but he was stuck on me like a leech.

My struggling became less and less, and a cloak of tiredness washed over me.

I slumped in his hold, then he released his fangs on my neck.

"Shit." I heard him cuss under his breath.

"Are you okay?" He questions and I use what little strength I have left to look up at him.

"I..." And then I succumbed to the darkness that was luring me into its dark oblivion.


"Nikolai! How could you lose control like that?! She is vital to our plan!" I heard the soft whisper yelling a distance away.

"I'm sorry. I.. I don't know what made me do it." Nikolai's lame excuse came.

"You need to get the tests done! You have her hair?" She askes impatiently.

"Here." He answered.

"Good. And blood? Other than what you had for dinner." She asks with irritation again clear in her voice.

"Yeah... here you go." He spoke softly.

"Great. Now only one test left. Get it done. We need to know if she is a suitable subject." Tessa whispers furiously.

"I know." Nikolai responded sounding bored.

Just then I heard the door shut.

"I know you're awake." He says while walking over to me.

I open my eyes only to see him already infront of me.

"Geez.. No privacy." I groan annoyed.

"Get up. We need to do the last test." He sounded... Displeased?

"Okay. What is it?" Maybe if I get it over I can leave.

"Stand still." He orders while taking out a black little cloth out of his pocket.

He brings it up to my face, then gently ties it around my eyes.

"Okay... Now what?" I ask unsure.


Dead silence.

My heart started racing. Everything was so quiet except for the few background noises.

"Nikolai?" I ask in a panic.

Still no sound.

I kept standing wherr I was, too afraid of moving.

Suddenly I heard the most unnerving sounds I have ever heard in my entire life.

It was a mixture of snarling and running at unnatural speeds.

I put my hands out in front of me as if to deflect anything coming towards me.

The sounds were getting louder and louder and it felt as if my legs would give out under my bodyweight.

Then it was with me in the room. I could litterally feel the temperature drop below zero. The smell of something filled the room. Like sulphur maybe.

It felt like all my fears were with me in this one room.

Then the snarling sound began again and this time I could hear the tapping of something on the wet floor, circling me.

I was so terrified, my whole body trembled visably.

If I die now, I would rather see by what I will be killed.

Uncertain, I reached slowly for the blindfold. I heard unearthly growling around me, then slowly removed the cloth, but still keeping my eyes shut.

I slowly opened my eyes.

What I saw made me want to scream, run for my life. But I did non of those.

Instead I stood there frozen. Looking at creatures I have only read about and saw in movies.

Before me, there was 3 devilhounds.

I was standing in a room with hellhounds.


Hiiiiiii. Hmmm.

I dont know if i liked this.



I was so lazy but i had to give something right?

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Freakynikki 👿

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora