❄ 21 ❄️ Wren Alba's Tale ❄️

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"We will not speak of Nessie's heritage while still in a public place," she said at vampire speed. "We could be overheard.

"Not when we speak at vampire speed," Rhys responded back rapidly.

"Bella and Edward will not be happy with us if we pried into their personal business without their permission," Wren said to his return.

Rhys snorted but let the subject drop for now. Nessie glanced over at Wren as they maneuvered through the thinning crowd of chattering students. As the group of three made their way towards Nessie's family, the students all turned one by one to watch their progress, wondering why shy and blushing Nessie Whitlock was walking arm-in-arm with the hot new girl Wren Alba and her moody, overprotective brother Rhys Vulcan. Nessie snorted in silent laughter and Wren turned her sparkling, ice blue eyes onto her in amusement.

"Half of them are simply curious while the other half is extremely jealous," she whispered to her conspiratorially.

Nessie stared at her in surprise, her words sinking into her busy thoughts, and she realizes with a jolt of shock that the other girl read her thoughts. Wren looked at her again, her features suddenly grave, her eyes intense.

"I will explain later," she said quietly.

Nessie nodded her head as shock and confusion washed through her body and turned to look at her family as she, Wren, and Rhys all stopped in front of them.

"Explain what?" Jasper asked, looking from Nessie to Wren and back, his golden eyes shining curiously.

"We will discuss this once we are in the privacy of your home," Rhys replied to her uncle's question before grasping Wren by the arm and steering her across the nearly empty parking lot towards their truck.

Wren stopped walking as they reached it and pulled her arm out of his grasp easily. She gave him an odd look and Nessie had a strange feeling that they were mentally communicating, as her father and Aunt Alice did sometimes whenever they wanted to keep a secret from the family. She then turned away from him and opened the driverside door, tossing her bag into the back seat of the cab. Rhys walked around the cab of the truck as Wren climbed in behind the wheel. Both doors slammed shut simultaneously as the engine purred to life.

Wren backed out of the parking spot and drove out of the parking lot carefully. Nessie watched as the silver truck disappeared behind a line of trees before turning to look at her family. They were all staring at her curiously. Heat flooded her cheeks as she looked away from them, embarrassment washing through her body.

"We should get going," Bella said as if sensing her daughter's embarrassment.

The others all turned and headed for their cars. A wave of confidence washed through Nessie and she looked up to find Jasper watching her, sympathy glowing in his golden eyes. He gave her a small smile and winked at her.

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