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After grabbing a jacket that I found and didn't steal for a girl and  by the way had a bat on it. We went back to the cave and once we got there I noticed that the Justice League was here. What the heck?  I looked at Nightwing and Kid Flash who looked as confused as I was. 

"What's going on?" Nightwing asked. 

"We have company." Batman answered as he stepped aside to reveal Tony staying behind him. I stopped in my tracks which KF wasn't expecting and bumped into me. I didn't fall though. Tony had a smile on his face.

"There she is." Tony said as he stepped forward. Once he  reached me  he throw his arms around me. 

"Uncle Tony you're ok." I said as I wrapped my arms around him. 

"Yep. And I'm not here alone."

I pulled away. "What does that suppose mean?"

"I brought friends. Maria? Fury?" They appeared out of no where and they walked over to us. 

"Director! Agent Hill? What a surprise." I said as I hugged them both and to my surprise Fury hugged back. That's weird.

"That's not all. Peter?"

I looked at Tony wide eye. Peter walked over towards us.

"Pete?" I quickly run up to him and hugged him. Peter smiled.

"It's nice to see you too." He said rubbing my back. I pulled away. 

"How did you guys get here?" I asked Tony. "Wait was it MODOK?"

Tony nodded his head yes. 

"He did the same thing to us and know my whole team is missing. Well expect Maya and Kathrine." 

Tony's eyes lid up when I mentioned Maya's name.

"We'll find them." Peter reassured as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "But right now we have to find Maya and Kathrine ."

"I know where they are. They're here well they're in Gotham City."

"That's great. Let's go." Tony said and Peter grabbed my hand and started to pull me with him. I wasn't sure what to do so I just kept walking. But there's something off about Peter but I can't quite put my finger on it.  Someone else grabbed my other hand. I turned to see Batman. 

"Where are you taking her?" Bruce asked in his Batman voice. 

"Where do you think? I'm taking her with me." Tony said as he turned around. 

I can hear Black Canary and the other leaguers trying to get the team to leave the room. Only Nightwing, Aqua Lad and Black Canary stayed. They walked over towards us. 

  "You have no right to take her away." Bruce said.  

For some reason Peter brought me closer to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist. What is he thinking ? He tighten his grip. I winced, he was hurting me. It's not his fault though he doesn't know that I have a wound there. When his grip tighten I just wanted to scream little  but I bit my lip. 

"Stop doing that!" Nightwing yelled and everyone turned to face him. Peter's grip loosen a little and I could breath again. 

"What are you talking about?" Tony asked a little annoyed.  

"He's hurting her. She has a wound." Nightwing replied as he made his away over.  

"Well thank you for telling us." Tony paused and turned his attention back  to Bruce. "I have a right. I'm part of her family." 

"But you're not her father." Black Canary  argue.

"Emma is still under age and I'm her god father." Tony said as she took Bruce's hand off my arm.  I give Tony a weird look. 

"You might be part of her family but she's my daughter here."

Tony raised an eye brow and turned to look at me. 

"I have the papers to prove it." Bruce added. I pulled away from Peter's grip. Tony looked mad.  Something is off here.

"I'm taking her home were she belongs."

"Not after what that boy di-"

"He didn't know. Plus Peter and Emma are dating."

I shot Tony a look that he ignored. I'm not dating Peter. We broke up like what four years ago? I can't remember. Something fishy.

"That doesn't mean anything." Bruce shouted back. 


We all turned to face Zatanna was standing at the doorway. "They're not who they say they are!" 

I then heard the one thing that  frighten me more then thunder. It was Tony getting ready to shoot. I quickly turned around to see that he had part of his Iron-man suit. And by part I mean he only had one arm on. I also didn't expect him to be aiming at me. I stop his attack using my powers. I directed it back to him but he and the others dodged it. Fury and Maria used their guns but they didn't last long in the fight. While I directed another of Tony's attacks back to him I throw rocks at Maria and Fury.  Why are they attacking me? Wait.

They aren't acting like themselves and I'm still alive that can only mean- Oh no. I glanced around the room and noticed a shadow.  Could it be? There is only one way to find out.  

"Lily? I had enough of your games!" 

I heard giggling. "Fine. I'll stop." Lily  then walked into the light and Maria, Fury, Tony and Peter disappeared into the air. "How did you know it was me?" She asked kinda disappointed. 

"Please they would have killed me by now. " 

"I had you fooled though."

"I knew something was up when I saw them. Fury hugged me back. He never hugs back. Plus Peter and I broke up a long time ago. "

Lily  looked at the ground. "I thought I had you." She mumbled. 

You almost did.

"What does you dad want?" I asked Lily. She looked up at me. 

"He wants nothing."

"I doubt that.Your dad wouldn't let you out of the castle unless he has a mission for you."  

Lily narrowed her eyes. "I can't wait until the stars align so I could end you." Lily threaten.

I raised an eyebrow. 

"How do you it won't be the other way around?"

Lily smiled and walked closer to me. "I have a secret weapon." she whispered in my ear.  

Book 2: Worlds Collide {Young Justice & Avengers Crossover}Where stories live. Discover now