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If you wouldn't mind, I would greatly appreciate if you consider reading this.
The first thing I would like to say is, thank you so much for your outstanding support! Without everyone who commented, voted, and even read my story I don't think I would've continued writing it.
With that being said, I understand that you and I both know the, what I find tragic, event happens in the next chapter. I had finished writing it, and I can neither confirm nor deny that a few tears were shed. After I had crafted, and written the chapter, I decided that I did not want to end my story on an upsetting note. I didn't want to end my story at all.
I now have a great conflict that I must resolve. I could either continue writing this story, or I have considered ending this one and making a sequel. I have not yet decided and I don't believe I will today, I thank you for your understanding!

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