Chapter Six "No Tolerence for Stupidness"

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"Hey, Vern, looks like your ma's been out drivin' again." Gordie said while we looked at all the worn down cars in the junkyard.

"Ah that's so funny I forgot to laugh." Vern said sarcastically and I looked up the fence, Jesus I'm gonna have to get my stuff, and myself over this.

"Stand back, men! Paratroops over the side!" Teddy shouted as he threw his belongings over the fence, the rest of us followed his action.

I looked at the sign, no trespassing was enforced by Milo Pressman, the junkman, and his dog Chopper. The most feared and least seen dog in Castle Rock. Legend had it that Milo had trained Chopper not just to sic, but to sic specific parts of the human anatomy. Thus a kid who had illegally scaled the junkyard fence might hear the dread cry: 'Chopper, sic balls!!'

But right now neither the dread Chopper nor Milo was anywhere in sight.

We all started climbing the fence and when I finally got to the top, I didn't give much thought to it and just jumped down. That probably wasn't the best idea because my ankle felt sore, but I didn't show it.

"Teddy's crazy." I said as he started running further into the junkyard yelling "come on men! Move it out!"

"Yeah." Gordie agreed and Chris nodded "he won't live to be twenty I bet."

"Remember the time you saved him in the tree?" Gordon asked Chris and I stayed quiet, not knowing what else to do.

"Yeah. You know I dream about that sometimes. Except in the dream I always miss him. I just get a couple of his hairs and down he goes. It's weird," Chris said.

"Yeah. That's weird. You didn't miss him. Chris Chambers never misses, does he?" Gordie said and Chris shook his head.

"Not even when the ladies leave the seat down," he made and O shape with his fingers and spit through it "hey, I'll race ya!"

"No. I don't know." Gordie said.

"Right to the pump man, come on."

"I'm -- I'm kind of tired." Gordie started and then cut himself off by sprinting to the pump.

"You're a dead man, Lachance!" Chris said running after him and I just picked up the stuff they threw on the ground, walking in the same direction they ran. "It looks like Lachance has got him this time. He's got Chambers' beat! But what's this? Chambers is making his move! Lachance is fading on it! Chambers at the tape! The crowd goes wild!" Chris commented throughout the race and I got there shortly after.

"Have you guys been watching the Mickey Mouse Club lately?" Teddy asked. We were all sitting down, leaning against piles of spare car parts, after filling up our canteens.

"Yeah," the others and I all said.

"I think Annette's tits are getting bigger." Teddy shared what he observed and I rolled my eyes taking a sip of water, ugh boys.

"Think so?" Chris asked and Teddy nodded "Yeah, I think so."

"Yeah. I think he's right. I've been noticing lately that the A and the E are beginning to bend around the sides." Gordie added.

"Annette's tits are great!" Vern said and leaned back.

"You know who else's tits are great!" Teddy said looking at me and I glared back.

"Say it, and you will have the shit beaten out of you," I snapped and Chris nodded, "and it won't be from her," he said.

Gordie and Vern laughed, "this is really a good time," Vern said.

"The most." Chris replied glaring at Teddy, "a blast," Teddy said glaring back.

We all threw pebbles, trying to get them in the can placed in front of us, until the boys started spitting their water into the can. Teddy took a sip of his water but instead of spitting it in the can he turned to Vern and spit on his face.

"Great, spit at the fat kid. What time is it, Gordie?" Vern asked.

"Uhm - It's a quarter after one." Geordie said while he looked down at his watch.

"We better go get the food. The junkyard opens at three. Chopper will be here." Vern said worried and I rolled my eyes.

"Uuh - Sic balls!" Chris joked around and I laughed lightly.

"You go. You can pick us up on the way back." I said and I leaned back, trying to get comfortable.

"I'm not going alone. We should all go." Vern pleaded and I didn't move a muscle, "I'm staying right here."

"We'll flip for it." Chris said looking at Gordie and Gordie grabbed five dimes out of his front pocket of his jeans.

"Okay. Odd man goes?" Gordie asked while giving us each a coin.

"That's you, Gordie. Odd as a cod!" Teddy said while flipping his coin, we all did the same.

Five tails. "Five tails! Oh Jesus, man, that's a goocher!" Vern exclaimed and I yet again had to roll my eyes at his foolishness "come on man. That doesn't mean anything!" I said.

"No man, a goocher. That's really bad. You remember when Clint Bracken and those guys got wiped out on Weed Hill in Durham? Billy told me they were flipping for beers. An' they came up a goocher just before they got into the car. And bang! They all got totalled! I don't like this. Sincerely." Vern exclaimed.

"Verno! Nobody believes in that crap about moons and goochers! It's babystuff! Now come on. Flip again. Gonna flip or not?" Teddy said.

We all flipped again and pressed the dime to the back of our hand, except Vern. "Come on, Vern, we don't have all day," Chris complained and Vern hesitantly flipped.

Stuck our hands out and I was relieved to see I wasn't the odd man, Gordie was.

"You lose, Gordie! Gordie loses!" Teddy exclaimed.

"Does the word "retarded" mean anything to you?" Gordie fired back.

"Gordie, go get the provisions you morphradite!" Teddy shouted and Gordie yet again had another comeback "don't call me any of your mother's petnames."

"What a wet end you are, Lachance!" Teddy shot back.

"Shut up!" He said and the others took an advantage at this opportunity.

"I don't shut up, I grow up. And when I look at you I throw up! Uugh!"

"Then your mother comes round the corner and she licks it up." He said starting to walk away.

Even though we were the ones being made fun of we all "ooooooh" ourselves.

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