Chapter Seven "I don't even take me seriously"

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Once Gordie left the boys wrestled around a bit, and since I was bored I decided to sing quietly to myself. I started to think about sleeping in the woods tonight, and I got a little scared.

To comfort myself I wrapped my arms around my knees and pulled them to my chest, I continued sing. Eventually the guys noticed my nervous behavior.

"What's wrong, Mallory?" Chris asked.

I decided to just say what was on my mind, "are any of you guys... nervous.. about sleeping in the woods tonight?" Teddy found this hilarious.

"You've got to be kidding me, I didn't know you were such a pussy Mallory," he said and I looked down at my feet.

"Stop being such an asshole!" Chris yelled at Teddy and Teddy looked taken back. Chris gave him such a look of hatred that he almost backed up.

"Sorry, Mal," he said and I nodded "it's ok."

We started to pack up all of our stuff and we threw it over the fence on the other side of the junkyard. Just then we hear a yelling come from the entrance "hey! Hey you kid! What're you doing there?! Come over here! You, you Come back here! Come back here goddammit! I'll sic my dog on you!" It was Gordie.

"Run, Gordie, run!" we all yelled and he started running full speed at the fence. "Chopper sic him, sic him boy!" Gordie screamed and jumped onto the fence climbing it.

"Come on!" We yelled and when he dropped down next to us, what we saw was the most humorous thing. "That's Chopper?" I asked in disbelief staring at the small dog.

Chopper was my first lesson in the vast difference between myth and reality.

"Come on, Choppy! Kiss my ass, Choppy! Kiss my ass! Come on bite shit! Come on, Choppy, sic balls, Choppy!" Teddy teased him, sticking his ass out at the dog. Chopper bit Teddy's shirt and Teddy turned back around.

"Hey you kids! Stop teasing that dog! You hear me? Stop it! Sonny, I'll beat your ass teasing my dog like that!" Milo yelled at us.

"Yeah, like to see you try to climb over the fence to get me, fatass!" Teddy yelled back.

"Don't you call me that, you little tin-weasel peckerwood loony's son!" Milo yelled and I froze, my blood went cold.

"What did you call me?"

"I know who you are. You're Teddy Duchamp. Your dad's a loony. A loony up in the nuthouse at Togus. He took your ear. And he put it to a stove. And he burnt it off." Milo taunted and I got mad, I can tell Teddy did too.

"My father stormed the beach at Normandy." Teddy defended his father, and himself partially.

"He's crazier than a shithouse rat. No wonder you're actin' in the way you are. With a loony for a father."

"You call my dad a loony again and I'll kill you." he threatened.

"Loony, loony, loony." Milo chanted.

"I'm gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck!" Teddy jumped on the fence and I grabbed his shirt trying to pull him back down.

"You come on and try it you little slimy bastard!"

"He wants you to go over there so he can beat the piss out of you and then take you to the cops!" Chris yelled, helping me hold him back.

"You watch your mouth, smart guy! Let him do his own fighting!" Milo yelled.

"Sure you only outweigh him by five hundred pounds, fatass!" Gordie yelled, defending his friend.

"I know your name. You're Lachance! I know all you guys. And all your fathers are gonna get a call from me! Except for the whore with the dead father the loony up in Togus!" Now I was pissed.

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled kicking the fence.

"You come back here! Come back here, you hear me?!" Milo yelled as Teddy slung his arm around my shoulder and I put my hand on is back, tracing circles to try and calm him down.

"Nobody ranks my old man!" he said starting to cry.

"Come back here!"

"My father stormed the beach in Normandy!"

"I said come back here!"

"He stormed the beach, you fat head!" Teddy glanced behind him.

"Come back here!"

"We showed him - Thought we were a bunch of pussies." Vern said

"He ranked my old man!" Teddy said sobbing now and I continued to try and calm him down. I wondered how Teddy could care so much for his dad who practically killed him.

"What d'you care what a bad old pile of shit like him says about your dad?" Chris said trying to cheer him up, but yet he continued to sob into my shoulder.

"He still stormed the beach in Normandy, right?" Gordie added.

"He did it." Teddy nodded, taking off his glasses rubbing his eyes.

"You think that pile of shit was at Normandy?" Vern said, and I knew this was just making him more upset.

"Forget it," Teddy said.

"He know nothing about your old man. He's just dogshit." Vern said and Chris nodded "Whatever is between you and your old man. He can't change that!"

"Forget it! alright? Just forget it!" He yelled and took his arm from my shoulder, I looked at him.

"Have Gun, Will Travel" reads the card of a man. A knight without armour in a savage land." Vern started to sing and we all gave him a look to tell him to shut up.

"I'm sorry if I'm spoiling everybody's good time." Teddy said, he stopped crying.

"It's okay, it's okay, man." Chris reassured.

"I'm not sure it should be a good time." Gordie said and Chris gave him a look, "you saying you wanna go back?" He said but Gordie shook his head "no. Going to see a dead kid, maybe it shouldn't be a party."

"Yeah, like if he's really bad like all cut up with blood and shit all over him; I might have nightmares!" Vern exclaimed and I looked up at the guys.

"Is he really going to be like that?" I asked nervously. "Come on, Vern." Chris said and Vern just continued "you know like all guts and eyeballs . . . jumping ground?"

I put my hands on my ears and tried to block out what he was saying until Chris shouted "shut up, Vern."

"Come on, goddamnit!" the others exclaimed.

"Can't help it, sorry." Vern said.

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