Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

We ain't talked since we left,
It's so overdo,
It's cold outside,
But between us it's worst than that.
I know, this is, the part,
Where the end starts.

I half run down the hall, as I almost ran into Erik.

"Woah there, take it easy" he laughed, placing his hands on my shoulders.

Erik's smile faded, as he saw my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked, worried.

Nothing. What could I say? Absolutely nothing. Marco hadn't invited Carolin, he hadn't done anything wrong, so basically nothing happened. I was just a little insecure girl, who was overreacting big time.

"Nothing" I mumbled, looking down. With his warm thumb, Erik lifted my chin.

"Now that's not true" he said, raising an eyebrow. I sighting, rolling my eyes.

"Carolin is here" I whispered, this time Erik's jaw almost dropped.

"Like his Carolin?" he started, but I just nodded.

"Woah..." It was all he could let out.

I nodded, meeting his eyes.

"Come here" he said, pulling me into a hug.

I buried my head in Erik's chest, as he stroked the back of my hair.

"Don't worry, Marco chose you" he said, trying to calm me down.

And I knew that, but it's just... something was up, I felt that the first time we talked about her. Marco said himself, that they had unfinished business, but I didn't know what it was or what it meant. It worried me, a lot actually. Erik pulled out of the hug, letting his eyes gaze at me.


"Okay" I said, before forcing a smile.

"Come on" he said, before he placed his hand on my lower back, leading me back to the others.

Just before we walked in, I put on a huge and very fake smile, but when my eyes met them, it faded right off again. Marco was standing along side Carolin, laughing. They were fucking laughing together. In that moment, my heart just went numb. Carolin's hand was resting on Marco's arm.

"Mila?" Erik said, as his eyes caught them too.

"Tell me you aren't seeing this, tell me it's in my mind" I whispered, shaking my head a little.

"I-... I" he stuttered, but he couldn't get any words out.

"This is in my head right, I'm overreacting right?"

"Yeah, yeah it's nothing" Erik whispered, but I doubt he believed it any more than me.

I couldn't get my body to move, I was frozen.

"Mila, what can I do?" Erik asked, as he saw a single tear run down my cheek.

I knew the guys were going celebrating after, Carolin was probably going.

"Take me home?" I asked, meeting his eyes.


"Can you just tell Marco, I got sick or something? Tell him he can go out, it's alright"

"Yeah, of course" Erik said, with a strained face.

"Go and sit" he said, handing me the car keys.

With shaking hands, I took them, walking out of the room, completely numb. My mom wasn't home and I had no keys with me, so I knew I had to go to Marco's, but anything would be better than seeing them together. That hurt to damn much.

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