Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

We could build a universe right here,
All the world could disappear,
Wouldn't notice, wouldn't care,
I just need you near.

"So will you cover for me?"

"Umh, yes! You have to go see him again!" Julia said excited and smiled.

I laughed just as she did.

"Ladies!" Our teacher said, starring us down, which made us shut up.

Normally I used to love art class, but today it was just like time stood still, because every time I glanced at the watch, it hadn't moved at all. It was the last class before end of school and I was just getting more and more impatient as the seconds passed. I kept thinking about Marco's chocolate brown eyes, or his lovely smile that could make my heart melt. It had also made me very unfocussed and clumsy all day. I totally blacked out in math, I walked into a wall at lunch and I dropped some paint in art. I have this weird feeling in my stomach, but I can't tell you what it is or how it feels, it's just kind of there.

"Okay class, time to sketch" our teacher called out, and I pulled out my notebook.

"It doesn't matter what you draw, just draw something, that makes you smile" he said, before starting to walk around.

I didn't know what I wanted to draw, so I just started and hoped I knew where I was going with it. I was half way through it, when my phone buzzed.

'Hi Mila, looking forward to seeing you later. – Marco'.

It made me smile. Julia caught my eyes and she started making kissing noises to me, coursing me to laugh.

"You two, out, now!"

Both Julia and I got up, packed our things and went out of the classroom.

"Ups" she laughed, as she put her arm around me.

'Me too. Can't wait to see you' I hurried to text back.

It was cute. A text means he's thinking of me? Doesn't it?

Julia and I sat down outside, because I still had time before I needed to leave. We talked back and forth, but suddenly I broke the conversation with an odd question, I wasn't expecting myself.

"What if he wants to kiss me again?" Julia looked confused at me.

"Then you let him?"

"But... I was drunk, so I didn't know what I was doing. I've never kissed anyone before... what if I'm bad?" I stuttered, biting my lip.

I moved my gaze down to the ground. It was so embarrassing, but it actually really worried me.

Marco was experienced, I remember that much from that night. He knew exactly what to do, where to touch, I needed to step up my game, if I wanted to keep him interested.

"Wait, you've never kissed anyone before that?" she asked and I shook my head.


"I know" I said, feeling the embarrassment spread.

"Okay, don't worry. You have come to the best" she laughed, but I just shook my eyes at her.

"Look, you take your hand like this" she said, taking my hand, placing it on her cheek.

"You look him in the eyes, before softly licking your lips" and she did, as she just told me.

"Then you lean in and kiss him" and then she placed her lips on mine.

A Little Lie | Marco Reus/Erik DurmWhere stories live. Discover now