Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Baby we were underground,
We're on the surface now.
We gonna make girl, I promise.
If you believe in love, and you believe in us,
We can go nowhere but up

They had pushed me into an empty classroom, before telling me to sit down, so that's what I had done. Now, they were both just staring at me. Sebastian was blocking the door, so no one could get in, it was definitely Julia who had to drop the bomb. I met Julia's eyes, as she tried to give me a little smile, but she failed epically. Julia took a deep breath, before stepping closer to me. She let out a heavy sight, meeting my eyes again.

"Don't freak okay-" she started.

I think she was trying to calm me down, but it just made me feel even worse. I think Sebastian agreed, that it was a stupid opening line, because he shook his head, sighting. I bit the inside of my cheek, not taking my eyes off Julia. Julia pulled up her bag and placed it on the table, before she pulled out a magazine.

"You need to read this..." she mumbled, handing it to me.

The first thing my eyes caught was... me. I swear my jaw almost dropped down and hit the floor. I opened the magazine and let my eyes slide over the headline of the article, 'Marco's new baby girl', it said and I knew what they were referring to straight away. I started reading the first couple of lines and it almost made me sick.

'Marco, the posh German footballer, has now officially ended things with childhood sweetheart Carolin Böhs. Though Marco doesn't seem to mind, since he found himself a new fresh girl. And fresh is exactly the word to use in this case, because the young, beautiful Mila Montez is a high school student.'

It gave me trouble breathing normally, as I licked my lip and continued to read.

'Reus doesn't seems to mind the young beauty and their age different, as he showed her off at the weekends game against Bayern. The game ended with a loss, but I'm sure he found a way to cheer himself up. Maybe we need to welcome a new wag in the group, but since she's young enough to be their kid, it might not be a problem'.

I wiped away the tear, that had found it's way down my cheek. I didn't want to read anymore of this, because I knew it would only get worse and more mean. I let my eyes glance over the pictures, but it made me even more sick, if that was even possible. There were pictures of me leaving Marco's apartment, of me at the game, from my school, even my house. That's why I felt like someone was following me, because there was, they had followed me around. I had given up on wiping the tears away, so they just had a free run. I felt how Julia placed a hand on my back, stroking it softly. She kissed the top of my hair.

"Honey, I'm so sorry" She mumbled.

"Everyone has seen this?" I asked with a shaking voice.

Sebastian sighted, before stepping closer to me.

"It was hanging all over the hallways" he sighted, making me cry even more.

Sebastian fast pulled me into a hug, stroking my hair.

"We pulled them down, but..." Julia said, shrugging.

It has horrible. It made Marco look like some dirty old pig, who hit on way too young girls, it made him seem inappropriate. It made me look like a fame whore. It was just awful – but what made me sick - was the part where they had been watching me. The private me, in my private areas. Sebastian pulled out of the hug, just looking at me.

"What can we do for you? How can we help?" he asked, his voice was desperate.

"You can't" I whispered, but I wondered if they could even hear it.

A Little Lie | Marco Reus/Erik DurmWhere stories live. Discover now