Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

We are friends for life,
Hold that deep inside,
Let this be your drive,
To survive,
And just stand high and tall,
Make sure you give your all,
And if you ever fall,
Know that I'm right here.

"Babe..." Marco mumbled, while he pressed his cold lips against my warm skin.

"Mh" I mumbled, before turning around in the bed.

I felt how Marco sat down on the bedside. He giggled a little and I'm pretty sure he shook his head at me.

"Babe, you need to get up" he said, letting his fingertip slide down my cheek.

"I know. So early" I mumbled, sighting.

Though it wasn't really the time, it was what I knew, I was doing today. You may think, that meeting Marco's teammates would be chill, not a bit deal, but they are like a second family. I knew their opinion about me mattered. I wasn't really scared of the guys, though, mostly just their girlfriends. They were a lot older than me, it was freaking me out a bit.

I finally opened my eyes, meeting Marco's. For a moment, I just took him in. His mood was a lot better today, which made me happy. His had that little crocked smile back on his face and that lovely glance in his eyes. I couldn't stop the little smile, that automatically spread on my lips. Marco wasn't wearing a shirt, so my eyes stuck a bit on his chest. He wasn't tanned, quite white actually, but it made him even sexier.

"Liking the view?" Marco smirked, making me look up at him.

I rolled my eyes at him, but it just made him laugh.

"Shut up" I said, before getting out of the bed.

I wasn't wearing anything else, but a T-shirt. I remembered how I in the beginning, didn't like Marco to see that, but now I didn't really care. I guess it was a sign of how much my trust towards him grew. I bended down, looking for a hairband, when I felt Marco's head follow.

"Liking the view?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Marco liked his lips, smirking.

"Whatever" he shrug, rolling his eyes.

I walked over to him, before sitting on his lap. He laid his strong arms around, kissing my neck.

"I should take a shower" I mumbled, Marco nodded.

"Do you... want to take one too?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"Why? I'm training?" he asked, confused.

It made me laugh. Marco didn't pick up on my cheesy line, which he usually did, because he used them all the time. I shook my head, but laughed even more, when Marco figured out, what he had just rejected.

"I'll just go myself them" I said, getting up.

"Any chance I could change my answer?" he asked, shrugging.

It made me giggle, as I send him a smile. I held out my hand for him to take it, as I pulled him with me towards the bathroom.




"Breathe" Marco said, with a little laughter.

"Easier said than done" I said, strained.

Marco closed the car door behind me, after helping me out of the car, then he locked it. Marco fast grabbed my hand, placing a short kiss on my lips.

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