Epilogue (with teaser?)

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That words sums up his feelings after his apology was accepted. Their dads are back, they hung out together, even the word 'marriage' came into the discussion. The couple can only blush hard as the topic goes on between their family. No more hard feelings.

Even better news is that they got a raise in ZPD. Judy couldn't be happier and goes on a shopping spree, while Nick is. . .saving  for a special day. Bogo just smiled and shrug it off before he got emotional. Ben? He's fine, the feline gets a box of donut everytime Nick & Judy comes at the morning. He didn't get any chubbier tho'.

Rox and Hox? Hell, they're one noisy neighbor. Nick couldn't help but overhear their 'fun' while he watch TV with Judy. Nick even took consideration to place carpet all over the flat just so he can sleep in peace. (Roxton?Rhox? idk :| )

About 'fun'... Judy promised him one, but she seemed to have forgotten.

To hell with it, I'm already happy.

Unknown Location
Unknown Time

???:"That ape is dead?"

???:"Yes, master. The puff tail got him."

???:"Such waste of intelligence, he was a rather good Samaritan."
        "Who got him?"

???:"The fox, assisted by a rabbit."

???:"Nick, isn't it? And his inter-species spouse, the rabbit."

???:"I believe so, yes."

???:"Hah, easy kills. That fox would only suffer the same fate as a cooked pork."

???:"I have no doubts in that, master."

???:"That rabbit, I've been following her. She looked like quite a treat."


???:"Should I get her for you, master?"

???:"Indeed I do, I want her fresh. Don't put much harm on the kidnap."

???:"Your command is my wish, master."

???:"Excellent. I'll give you a week to do so. Or else."

???:"Have no doubts, we will prevail."

Zootopia: Eyes of Diablo

*woot woot*

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