>-Chapter 15: Between Hate & Love pt 2-<

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"So- I'm alone now?" Nick asked in despair.

"Well, if Roxanne and I aren't included, then yeah. No Judy until you've recovered."

 At this point, Nick wasn't sure if bunnies are more emotional than foxes. Nick felt anger rising in his heart core, as he thinks that his sacrifice wasn't valued by Judy. It boiled, Nick clutched his hands, and he groaned in anger. (picture the groan yourself). Hox and Rox jumped a little, caught off-guard by the screech.

After it, Nick's heart mushed. It's not her fault. It's my fault. Mine, mine, mine. He teared up, and sobbed quietly. Rox only stared from outside the room, feeling pity. She texted Judy's phone, to update Nick's condition.

At the Flat

*phone ding*

Judy was still curling up in the bed. She hasn't ate for the last 12 hours. Stomach churning, but she held the urge to go outside and eat. She looked at her phone messages, it was Rox.

"Nick has been weeping for the last 6 hours... this is not good for him. And not good for you too, Judy. Snap out of it, and give him a visit!"

Judy threw her phone out the window.

The Next Day

It's snowing.

Judy was hungry and cold, and she can't take the hunger anymore. She sprinted from her flat and ran frantically to the donut shop, one block away from the flat.

She slammed the donut shop door, making everyone looked at her, marveled.

She took big steps to the counter, and the elephant behind the counter couldn't help but notice the sagged-eye bunny walking towards him like an ape.

"C-ca-can I have your or-orders?", the elephant stammered.


"Wh-what kind of-"


The elephant went nuts and threw every donut he can fit into a paper bag, and threw it to Judy, which she caught well. Judy threw a 100$ bill and ran back to the flat.

She closed the door, and started to eat like a crazed goat. She almost ate the paper bag.

Once she felt whole, she pondered.

Should I apologize to Nick?

No, it's him who made the insane decisions. I can't. He should've been the one apologizing.
But that decision, was for my sake. I can't ditch him from that deed.

I have to apologize.

Judy grabbed her winter coat and left the flat. She arrived at the hospital, and walked through the hospital's garden. As she was going towards the entrance, she stopped.


Nick can't take it. He has been alone for two days. He swears that the feeling has been choking him every second in his bed.

I can't handle it.

If I don't apologize to Judy, I would be alone for life! The thought horrified Nick and he started to overthink it.

Rox suddenly came to the room,"Nick, you're good to go."

"Just in time, pull these hoses off me!"

"Why the rush?"

"I have to go see Judy!"

Nick ran downstairs, only dressed in a hospital dress. He went outside, and he sprinted through the hospital's garden. He stopped.



They stood across the garden, surprised by the sudden reunion. Both of them were baffled about what they wanted to do next.

Then, Nick kneeled, and opened his arms, he grinned as he tries to say, "Hug?"

"Ukh, Nick."

She ran to him, and she slapped him.

She slapped me?

"That's for risking your life again, you jerk!"
Nick thought his relationship was over, when Judy started to sniffle,
and got in Nick's embrace. She sobbed on his chest, Nick followed.

"I'm sorry that I did this to you, carrots.."he sobbed,

"I'm sorry I didn't accompany you, Nick. It-it's too much..." her voice began to crack and went shaky.

"It's okay.. it's entirely my fault, and I shouldn't have worried you too much..", Nick regretted.

"D-d-dumb fox..,"she whimpered..

"Emotional bunny.."

They cried at each other's shoulders, and both of them sighed in relief, knowing that their mate had forgiven their actions.

-=_End of Chapter_=-

Meanwhile, at the hospital balcony.

"Aww, they look so cute from up here..aren't theeey??"

"Shut up and just watch, Hox."

"Someone is jealous~"


"Mercy! Rox! Mercy!!"

Psst! Author here! My next book would be entitled "Zootopia: Eye of Diablo", mind helping me with the characters/ plots? Thx!
(gore/action included >:D)

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