>-Chapter 1: A Start-<

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Early note for all chapters: Some contains gore, guns, missing plots, and compiled 'mingle' time

"What?!!" They both screamed in shock, both of them twitched. Fur stiff as ever.

Chief Bogo couldn't help but drench himself in cold sweat.

"This case has been on my desk for three days. I didn't want to alert you guys. I dispatched other officers to deal with this case under the radar. Apparently they were unable to solve this case."

"Since it's our own fathers, you can trust us to be at max when dealing with this case, Chief," said Judy.

Nick said nothing. He was still in a state of shock and disbelief.

"Well, I guess....what I can say now is good luck."

"You may dismiss."

They exited and shut the door behind them.

Nick spoke,

"Ssh-should we go back to our own home?"

"You mean I go back to the Bunny Burrow and you go to Fox Den?"


"And noo. We need to watch each other's back. No splitting, Nick. Nuh uh." Judy disagreed.

"Okay fine, but- are you sure you want to come to Fox Den?" Nick hesitated.

She flails her badge and says"I have a badge for a reason, blueberry."

"Mmkay, but..bunny burrows first, ok?"

"Ok sure!" She cheered, hoping to lighten up the mood a little. But Nick wasn't buying it. His face still pale as a ghost.

Judy decides to give him some little fresh air.

She pulled his tie, wraps her arm around Nick's neck.

"Please, Nick. Don't get too sad, I'm sure they're ok."

"I don't know carrots, I have a bad vibe about this one."

She nuzzled him, then she kisses him. She tried to make it as long as possible, but Nick stopped her. He sighed.

"Alright carrots, I get the point," he let our a little smile, which made Judy glad, she smiled back.

"Now let's find your father, shall we?"

His tail wagged a bit, Judy knew she had done the right thing.

"Yeah, let's go."

They drove to Bunny Burrow, heading towards Judy's farm. It was night when they arrived, and all lights were turned off....

Except for one home.

Mom, Judy thought.

She knocked the door, hoping for a reply.

The door opened, there stood Judy's mother. Bonnie Hopps.

She was surprised to see Judy in all of the sudden, she still thinks that Judy didn't know about Stu yet.

"O-oh-uh hi there! Didn't expect to see my little bunny this late..come in!"

Her walking style was stiff, she stuttered every time she talks, she kept wiping her forehead. All signatures of nervousness.

"So, what brought you and your partner here?", she asked.

"Your father is out of town at the moment, he he..." she lets out a nervous laugh.

Bonnie looked at their expressions, clearly knowing what's going on.

Bonnie sighed, and broke into tears at the shoulder of her daughter.

"I- I - I have no idea where your father is.. I searched every house and every crop hole, but he's nowhere in the farm!", she sobbed.



Judy gestured her arm to a tissue box. Unable to reach it with her mom at her embrace.
Nick quickly pulled out two tissues at once, giving it to Judy. Judy holds the tissue on her mom's nose, then she snorts.

"Okay mom, you stay here. Me and Nick will take a stroll around the farm."

Just as they were about to exit, Bonnie called.

"Judy, please find your father, healthy and alive. Ok?"

"I will, mom. I will."

They went outside, Nick behind Judy, still confused at what she is about to do.

"Judy, where are we going?"

"Gathering cameras."

"Cameras? Since when did you put cameras in your home?"

"Since the last case, Nick. Remember that note?"


Judy looked at the paper that was given to Markhoff. It says:

Watch your loved ones. Here I come.

End of Flashback

Judy already shivered from the thought, and grinded her teeth remembering that it happened today. Exactly today. Did he had another partner around him at that time? Is this about revenge? Neither of them knows. But these animal bastards got Nick's father body modifications with lethal substance injected to his body.
No, they won't get away with this.

Blood, Yearning, And Its Repetitions: Tango Black SteelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang