>-Chapter 8: The Job-<

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The words in this chapter might be a bit too strong, reader's-discretion-somethingy is advised.

A week ago, ©on's Lair
8:30 pm.

Nikolai was in the bar, along with his con partners, celebrating their biggest scam yet, almost hitting a million dollar profit. Nikolai went on a drinking rampage with his foxes.
This ain't the first aight, now shut up mate.
(Continue with the story I suppose)
Nikolai got too drunk, he started to 'hit' other female foxes, neglecting the fact that he has a wife already, and a son he barely cared about. He only share 2/5 of his profit to his wife, given through the mail, no hugs and kisses after his success. The only thing that kept him motivated to be alive was his euphoric feeling of getting rich.

After trying to hit a couple of foxes, he found a good-looking fox. White dress, groomed fur, and legs for days.
Instead if Nikolai approaching her, she approached him.
Must've been my lucky day, eh?

"Well hello there. Nikolai, isn't it?" she asked.
"In fact, I am, yes. Why don't you sit down with me and take some shots?"
She deflected and flirts him,
"I don't want to drink, I want you..." She points at his chest, and slides down towards his crotch.
"...and perhaps something down here as well.."
My god. This is some fox.
He didn't know that she's already trained to do that. Nikolai was the softest target there is in Black's recruitment list.
"Why don't we find a hotel, and we can 'talk' more about this..?", she said as she hold his hand.
"Sure, I know some nice hotel, let's get out of here," said Nikolai as he finishes his shot.
As they went outside, he walked with her to his car. He got out his keys, and jabbed it to the car door. He asks if she wants to get anything before going to the hotel.
"So, are you-"


She hits the back of his head, knocking him out of consciousness.
"Easy." She celebrated.
Nikolai woke up, his head throbbing from pain. He was blindfolded. His paws and legs were tied to his chair
Shit, a honey trap.
"Who's there?! Why am I here?!" He shouted.

No response.

"Is it because of my scam? I can give you back my money, just please...let me go.." his voice started to get weak, feeling hopeless as he was expecting to be executed by the possibly mad victim.

No response.

He screeched as his hope finally faded out,

"What do you want?!!"

His voice echoed through the room.

After a long pause, an evil laughther fills the room.

"Mr. Nikolee.. pleasure to meet you."

"It's Nikolai," he corrected,

"..and who are you?"

The voice awed,

"Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me not to remove your blindfold.."

The voice removed his blindfold, Nikolai squints his eyes, trying to adjust with the light. He gasped.

Black, Steel? 

"A gasp? I guess you know me already," he sighed.

"What the hell do you want?" he muttered.

"I am here to give you, a job."

"What job? I'm already happy with what I do."

"You will work for me."

"And what exactly do you do?"

"That is something further to talk about after you accept my offer." he avoided his question.

"If you don't want to talk about it, then bugger off."

Steel blows air from his nose, giving a sign that he has losed his temper with this red fur.

"I need you to work with me, because your son is in the way!" he bashed.

"My son? How is he even a bother to you?"

"He's a cop."

"I ain't fighting my own son, ya prick."

As Steel was about to talk again,

"Now f*** off, mate."

Steel loses it. He punched the floor, and he went off to his henchmen. Nikolai heard the light whisper from the talk.

"Just drug him and take him to the operation room. Get him going."

Nikolai struggled to loose the tie as his henchmen approaches him. He got blindfolded again, and his neck got tilted. He groaned as a needle went in his veins. He blacked out.

-slight time skip-

Nikolai woke up in a dark, cold, concrete room. He was sleeping on his chest, and he was only using his trousers. His back ached in some odd way. He touches his back, he felt a a glass tube was attached to his back. He tried to pull it out, but he end up hurting his back even more, resulting in an eerie scream.
He let out heavy breathes as he was tired trying.

What had they done to me?

He curled up in pain, trying to warm himself. He took a catnap.

A sound of a steel door sliding open wakes him up, it was Steel. He got up on his feet, and sprinted with his claws out to slash Steel.

Suddenly, a surge of electricity shocked him on the back, giving a painful sting throughout his body.

"Y-y-you-ou, s-son o-of a-"

He got shocked again, he screamed in pain once more.
Steel pulled out a remote from his pocket, a regular tv remote looking, but modified to stun anyone with the entered number.

"You, mister, don't have any more choice but to be one of my men. Even if you manage to resist the shock, I could still rip your torso in half. So don't try to fight, or suffer." he ended.

"That's what your dad said to your mom the night he **** ***!"

Steel growled and sucker punched Nikolai, losing a canine at the beat. His face already swelled up as if he got stung by dozens of wasps. Steel can't handle his attitude, and left him coughing a bit of blood.

Damnit Nick, why did you even become a low-life cop....

If only Nikolai knew that Nick earned more than a 5.000$ monthly wage compared to Nikolai's 25.000$ monthly scam,  a life mate.

Blood, Yearning, And Its Repetitions: Tango Black SteelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz