>-Chapter 11: Heavy Shoulders-<

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[***Encryted Call Incoming***]


"This is Brown!"

"Oh, you."

"How and WHY did you fail?! It was supposed to be a successful heist!!"

"I didn't actually consider that they would. . . use melee-vests. . . I'm sorry."
"But don't worry tho', I have something to exchange for them to give us the needed money.."

"And that is?"

"Their mate's life."

Hospital of Zootopia
10:00 Am.

Nick was called to the hospital by the doctor who operated his father, Nikolai and the others. The doctor said that it was urgent as hell, Nick took the words and ran to the hospital.

Nick takes the stairs as the lift was going down, Nick sprinted 1 floor/ 5 seconds, and he made it to the 6th floor, where the doctor's office is. Nick slightly panted, but he didn't break a sweat. He opened the door to the office, and saw the doctor, a sheep, Dr. Woolis, sitting down at his desk with Roxanne standing beside him.

"What is it?"

"Mr. Nick, have a seat. We're about to discuss something of life-threat to all the controlled terrorists, that includes your father."

Nick pulled a chair to himself, and he sat down leaning towards the desk.

"*clears throat* Okay, so, I've X-ray ed all of the terrorists to see if their modifications are gone, and I found a deadly modification with neurotoxin installed inside their brain. We wanted to pull it out from there, but the look of it is that this modification is fragile, and it has a antena that could receive signal, for some undetermined reason."

"We fear that this antena, could trigger the release of the neurotoxin, that could result in deaths or a no different permanent coma."

Nick froze there, hyperventilating as he heard the word 'deaths' and 'permanent coma'.
Heartless, bastard.
That ****ing ape!!

"So- If I find the source of the signal and I shut it off, will it be safe to remove?"

"That's a possibility, yes."

Nick can only sigh as the burden on his shoulder has gotten even heavier.

"I guess, thanks.. doctor, for the info." Nick thanked with a low voice.

Nick goes outside, with a pale face. He came back to Judy's room, and sat again next to her bed. He begged for her to wake up again, as he was alone in this, and he can't trust much from the Federals. Judy is his only hope.

"Judy. . ." he called as he caressed her face.

"Wake, up..." His voice began to crack.

"P l e a s e . . . . ."

He weeps on her bed, seeing that there are no reply coming from her. His eyes swelled from the crying, and he sob there, waiting for his angel to wake up.

2 PM.

He waited.

4 PM.

Still waiting.

6 PM.

"Hi there...cotton tail...."

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