>-Chapter 12: Hope-<

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"Judy! You're back!" Nick shouted.

Nick jumped and hugged her tightly, and nuzzled her while doing so, Judy couldn't resist but to laugh by the ticklishness.

"Yes.. yes I am...back, Nick..."

"Did you have nightmares?"

"No... I've gotten myself a dream.. a good one." (Judy's Dream pt 2)
Nick picked interest, "What's it about?"
"Hmm, nah.. I'll tell you when the time is right."

Not the time, how I wish it is.

After dealing with the papers, Nick got Judy out the hospital two days after. He took the patrol car with her, and told her that they're heading to meet Noel, the Lynx. Nick told Judy all the things that she missed while she was in her coma; the phone call, Brown Martin, and the neurotoxin.

"Wow.. Must've been tough without me eh, Nick?"

"No, I handled it well..."

She has no idea.

"Rox said that she needed to replace the bedsheet thrice because someone apparently cried on it..."

Damnit Rox.

"I wonder who..." Judy teased, nudging him at the shoulder.

"Oh shut it, carrots."

In heart, Judy was glad that he actually cared that much to her.

J. Edgar Beaver FBI department.
12:30 PM.

Judy is happy that she is back on her feet, and so she hopped eagerly all the way to the front desk of the building, Nick can only look at her and feel happy for her.

At the front desk, a suited female puma was there, having a phone call.

"Excuse me, Miss. I wonder if I can-"

The puma pointed her index finger to her mouth, gesturing Judy to wait for a while.

As the puma finished her phone call, her phone rang again.

Judy whispered to Nick,
"I don't know if this is any different than Flash, my gosh."

Nick can only chuckle as he swipes through his phone, waiting for the puma to be available.

"Ookay, how can I help both of you?"

"Can we meet Special Agent Noel White? For a police case we've been working on,"

"Uh huh?" The puma gave signs of disbelief.

"On the behalf of Chief Bogo." Nick continued.

"Well hold it, I'll give a call to his office."

The duo sat on the chair, Nick still busy on his phone, and Judy kept her ears up to hear the puma's conversations.

"Do you know them? Really? Ok, I'll tell them."

Judy sprang out her chair, and asked,
"Is he available?"

"Yes, he'll be at 5th floor, room 34."

"Thanks!" Judy grabbed Nick's paw and rushed to the lift to 5th floor.

Nick and Judy went in the lift.

*casual elevator music*
*Nick whistling*
*Judy tapping her foot*


"Ok let's go."

Nick and Judy got out in a corridor. They searched for room no. 34 along the way.

"30..31...32...33..34-ok, his office is this one!" Judy pointed out.


"Come in."

*opens door*


"Officer Nick and Judy? Come in."

They got in to his spacious office, yet somehow felt hot in there.

"Take a seat."

As Noel instructed, they both sat down, but then White stood up, his hands hooked behind his back.

"First off, I am happy for you, Miss Judy for your recovery," he congratulated.

"Second, what is this matter are we going to discuss of?", he asked with a calm and polite tone.

"We need you to give us information about a phone call your director has made."

"Any.. proof?"

Nick lended Noel a paper, "Here's your..'proof'."

Judy nudged him and whispered "Don't make fun of his politeness! That's utterly rude!"


Noel took his time inspecting the paper, he scratched his chin, with his head held high while doing so.

"Encrypted huh? Only he can do that. What's the point?"

"He made this phone call prior to the ambush of our op. We have our doubts."

"Can you trace the location for us?" Judy requested.

"I suppose, yes. You think he's a traitor?"


Noel raised an eyebrow.

"Probably." Nick shrugged.

Noel turned at Nick.

"Yes, ffs."

Noel takes a breather, "Hhokay, I'll trace the call. You two stay here. It won't take long."

He left with the paper.

Awkward silence.


"Uuh yes?"

Nick stammered, "Can we uhh..cuddle while we wait?"

Judy was about to deny, but then she remembers how long he has been without her, Judy took the offer for granted.

Judy got on his lap. The usual snuggle-nuzzle happened like before.

They fell asleep after waiting for a 'not long' one hour.

"Guys, wake up. Christ." Noel mumbled.

Nick woke up first, slurped his drool (like always), and he noticed Judy was sleeping on his.. uhh...,'thingy'.

"Oh snap!", Nick quickly removed Judy from his crotch and placed her next to him.

"Yes, indeed.", Noel continued.
"I've got the result," White announced.

Nick nudged Judy, waking her up.

"Uh woah-what?" Judy blabbered.

"The call was made to a hill outside Zootopia, and it's a black site. I'll have the Tac-team ready, you guys can go prep yourselves as well. I'll contact Bogo."

"What about Brown? Will he not notice?" Nick asked with concern.

"No worries!" He comforted.

"We've locked down his office, some agents will get him if he broke through."

"Harsh." said Judy.

"Justice." Nick replied.

1-2 more chapters to go.
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