>-Chapter 7: Ambushed-<

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All of the officers has worn and equipped their gear. They have joined forces with the SWATs and the FBIs. All of them were given a classic M4 rifle, with some Feds preferred PDWs over carbines. They all fit, except Nick, with his double-vest, looking dumb as ever.

They went to the bank using light vans, and some took the helicopter for an air assault. Judy and Nick was in the same van. They stared each other as if it is their last time together. They both can't shake off their thoughts, unawarely making the same vow to each other.

I hope she doesn't get too frivolous, I don't want to see her get hurt.

I hope he doesn't take careless decisions like before, I don't want to see him get hurt again.

I will do anything to make her go home unwounded. Down to the last blood drop.

I will do anything for him to stay with me, even if I get hurt. Down to the last blood drop.

They arrived at the back of the bank, and they went through a last briefing. Briefed by the Lynx, Noel.

"Okay, so here's the short story: Us, the FBI, will disguise as regular civilians. ZPD will be behind desk, and you guys have the terrorists at gunpoint, while SWATs will approach and secure their weapon. If they fight, try to disable them by shooting their legs or arms. IF they went savage, ready your taser or your dagger. Take them out before they rip you."

"Is that clear?!"

"Yes sir!"

"Good, now get in position!"

The SWATs splitted up into two groups, one from the sides, and another from the rooftop.

The ZPDs hides behind the desk.

FBIs took their seat and a newspaper with coffee as a prop, with PDW strapped under their seat or in their coat.

It looked nothing out of the ordinary, animals still walking in and out the bank, unaware of the oncoming great danger.

They sat in their place, waiting for a call in the radio. Some checked their phones, others looked at their photo of their special ones, their crush, their mate, their family. Nick sat there, with Judy on his lap, wrapping her with arms and paws, full of love.

The SWAT scout, a black jaguar with a sniper rifle scanned the view around the bank. He noticed a van going in a turn at high speed towards the bank, with no number plates. He immediately called over the radio.

"This is team ECHO unit 2-1, I've got an eye on a van, going in high speed. Be on guard."

All of the animals snapped out from their beauty sleep and thoughts and picked up their weapon, Feds still playing it cool at the seats.

The van opened it's side door, three otters with SMG wearing  black balaclavas with all black clothes got out and rushes towards the door.

"Uhh, the van has three tango's getting out. Confirmed otters, light SMG, about to enter the ambush point. Get ready."

"Otters? Are we encountering Steel's man or are we getting some desperados in our way?" The Lynx scoffed.

"We can't imply that yet, sir." the jaguar replied.

The jaguar moved position from the edge to a window above the bank, changed from his Barret to a dart gun, loading a tranquilizer dart clip.

The otters rushed in, pointing their gun to the ceiling. They let out warning shots.


"How cute," said one of the SWATs over the radio.

"Alright, lets just take them out real quick, then we get back to our position." said White.

The robbers went to the counter, pointing their gun at the teller.



A horde of officers and SWATs came out behind the desk, and Feds pulled out their concealed gun.


"Oh what the-why the hell are all the cops here?!!"

"I don't know bro!"

They surrendered, and an otter officer opened their balaclava.

"Brother? John? Connor? Martin? Where have you been?! I thought you guys disappeared forever!"

An officer rhino stepped in, "They're your bros?"


The otter officer noticed something odd on their back, something like a tube-thingy.

"Oh f***, you guys are one of Black's henchmen?!"

The three otters changed expression from confused, to an evil grin.

"You think you trapped us, but you're wrong.."

The jaguar at the rooftop heard their sayings, and decided to look around the bank again. Two more vans rushes to the front of the bank.

"This is Echo unit 2-1! I've spotted two more marks coming, get ready!"

The jaguar switched back to his Barret, he scoped in to scan the newcomers. Each van has 6 animals in it, and this time they've got the big guns. A rhino at the back carried a gatling gun.

"Twelve tangos spotted, much more serious than the otters. One machine gun spotted."

"They lured us out?!" White shouted.

As the jaguar was about to pull the trigger, a gun was pressed to the back of his head.

"Drop it."

Shit. They sneaked to the rooftop as well.

He dropped the rifle.

"Now turn around."

He turned around. It's- his cousin?



"What the hell are you doing?"

Inside the Bank

The twelve terrorist got in, pointing at all the police. Each of them told each other to drop their gun.



They all got confused, having each other pointing guns at the people that they knew and love.

Noel got confused, "what in the hell is going on in there....."

Nick and Judy saw their fathers, Nikolai and Stu.
"Dad!" Nick shouted.

"Nick? You're a cop??"
"Why are you doing this?!"
"Its not me, it's---"

All of the terrorist groaned in pain, their weapons dropped.

"Sir, what do we do?!" officers questions.

Judy came to a realization.

The 'Night Howler' has been injected.

Judy shouted at the radio, "The Night Howler has been activated!! Ready your melee!!"

All of the police forces readied their melee, and fought the animal that they love.

Nikolai wasn't expecting this job to be against his own son. Should've been quick and easy.
I shouldn't have believed that gorilla.

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