Chubby Bunny/YouTube

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"Hello everybody, welcome back to our channel! We've been gone for a while but wanted to come back with a challenge for you guys. We played rock paper scissors and Justin won so he got to pick." You start.

"I picked the chubby bunny challenge because I like marshmallows and I think I could win." He says.

"I think you're gonna win too because you always cheat."

"I don't cheat. Only win."

"Anyway, the rules are, we take turns putting marshmallows in our mouths, we have to say chubby bunny after each marshmallow, and the one who can hold the most wins. And you can't chew them. Got it?"

I'm more ready than spongebob right now." He said.

"Ok let's do this."

Justin grabs the big bag of marshmallows and opens it with full force, making some marshmallows fall out. He puts one in his mouth.

"Chubby bunny!"

I grab one and put it in my mouth.

"Chubby bunny."

We keep going back and forth and my mouth starts to get full after the sixth one. He's gonna win.

"Number 7! Chubby fucking bunny!" He yelled.

I tried to stuff another in my mouth but I was struggling. It was pushing against my throat.

"Don't swallow cheater!"

"I'm not." I say.

"It's weird telling you not to swallow, I like when you swallow."

I hit him on the arm. I'm not in the mood for his corny shit.

I grab a napkin and spit out my marshmallows. I give up. He added to more because he has no mercy.

"Chubby fucking bunny! I win." I could barely hear him with those marshmallows in his mouth.

"Congratulations, you get nothing."

He spit out his marshmallows. "Give me a kiss." I moved away from him.

"Ew, no. And clean up this mess."

"Whatever, bye youtube."

"Goodbye, see you laterz!" I say.


1000 votes aye!

Back at it again with the imagines! Sorry, I've been lazy. But message me for imagines! I'm writing a new book!

It's called 'Don't tell'! Jb fanfic acourse! Out soon. Maybe today, idk.

Btw, if my grammar is off, it's because I've been watching to much Miranda Sings. Bye. -Arianna 🙅🙆

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