Boyfriend and Girlfriend Tag/Youtube

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"Welcome back to our channel everyone, today we are doing the boyfriend and girlfriend tag so basically, were going to ask each other questions and whoever gets the most right wins." Justin started.

"What do I get when I win?" You ask.

"If you win, you will get...a" he started looking around the living room, that you always film in, and grabbed a chocolate bar off of the table. "A chocolate bar."

"Justin, that's already mine."

"Fine then you get a kiss."

"You always give me the same reward." You say plainly.

"Do you know how many people would want to kiss me?" Then He looked towards the camera, "Like this video if you want to kiss me, maybe she'll appreciate me more."

You already know this video is gonna get hella likes now.

"I do, let's just start. I'll go first. What is my favorite color?" You asked.

"Ooh um,, is it pink, wait nope, it's blue. Definitely blue.

"Wrong. Your turn."

"Damn ok, what is my favorite food?"

"Spaghetti right?" You thought.

"It's that your final answer?" He asked.


"Wrong. I changed it to chicken."

"You can't just change it that's cheating."

"Okay, I'll give to you. Your turn."

Now you were getting excited. You made it a hard one because you wanted to win.

"What is my bra size?"

He had a very confused face.

"Uhh, large I guess."

"No, you have to say a number and a letter." You said laughing.

"Oh yeah," He turned to you and looked at your boobs with his hand on his chin, in deep thought.

"Maybe a...36 D. Am I right?"

"How'd you know that. Now we're tied with one point."

"Good, I can still win. Now, how many hairs do I have on my head?"

"You can't ask that, you don't even know the answer to that. Give me another question." You said laughing.

"Ok, how old was I when I first cut off my bangs?" He asked.

This was hard because you weren't with Justin then and you weren't much of a fan either. You just decided to guess.

"Uhh, 19?" You answered.


"Come on, that wasn't a fair question."

"You got it wrong. Your turn."

"Ok for the last question, what color was my dress on our first date?"

"Easy, blue. I took you out to a restaurant and you had on all blue, then the first thing I asked you once we got inside was, 'Is your favorite color blue?' and you said no. You said you liked the way blue looked on your skin but your favorite color was...oh yeah, it was red because when you were little, your Mom gave you a bracelet with a red heart on it for your birthday, and red became your favorite color ever since."

You didn't know what to say. You couldn't believe he remembered all of that. "I'm done. You win." You say and walk towards the door.

"Wait," he said.

You looked back at him. "What?"

"For my prize, I want you too make me some chicken."

Hope you loved it! I blessed you guys with two imagines today, you're welcome. Vote, comment and request imagines for faster updates. I might delete 'I love you?', sorry not sorry.

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