Do it like me

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"Hey y/n, we should do the do it like me challenge." Justin said.


"It will be fun. Come on let's do it right now."

"I already did it with my friends."

"That's good, you can teach me. Please?" He asked.

"Ok. Let's do it then."

He smiled really big at you. "Good. I'll get my phone." He said excitedly.

He ran upstairs to get his phone, ran down skipping the last few stairs, almost fell on his face and ran outside letting you know that's where he wants to do it. You followed him outside regretting this already.

"Hey y/n, I just realized that we need a camera guy.

"Aww." You said secretly happy.

"Actually let me call someone to record and we can practice in the meantime."

He calls one of his friends and of they can do it. Of course.

"Ok y/n, show me how to do it."

"First is the whip. You know that right?"

"Can you show me that again. I forgot."

"Ok. It's like this. And then the milly rock. After that...Justin are you paying attention?" You catch him staring at your ass.

"Huh, oh I'm sorry what?"

"Justin if your not serious I can just leave."

"No, I'm sorry show me again."

You show him the moves and he tries to copy you. He bumped into you making you fall on the wet grass.

"I'm sorry y/n! I didn't mean to..."

"You know what, how about you practice by yourself and call me when you do it right."

"Hey I'm trying."

"You are. But I'm not going to stay out here all day teaching you."

"Y/n! Come on."

"Bye bitch."

*Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I don't know what to write so please help me. Hope you liked it. Please comment and vote! -Arianna

Justin Bieber Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now