To Be Exhausted: The Kiss With A Cut

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"Well, I just came out here to drink some tea is all, I haven't been out here to long."

Mamoru raised an eyebrow, "The others said you've been gone since sun rise and it's noon now M'lady..."He looked at her tea cup noticing it had been empty and even had a small stain at the bottom forming, indicating it had been out for a while and even her dress was dirty. He closed his eyes and gave a sad sigh, "Come, you must change..."

"Hmm? It's already noon!" Sayuri looked to the sky seeing the sun high in the blue sky than to her dress seeing the dirt on it. Her eyes widened in shock, "....right..."

She got up and began an embarrassed walk to her room to change.

"....You know, my Queen...." She glanced up at Mamoru as they walked, he holding the tea cup to take back to the kitchen. "There is no shame in talking to others when you are in need of help or even asking for help. I am here if you wish to talk...." They stopped by her door and they stared at each other for a moment before he bowed to her and made his leave.

Sayuri sighed than went inside her room, her maids rushing to her asking about where she was and what had happened to her dress. She dismissed them saying she can get ready on her own.

She took a short bath just to wash off the dirt she had her on her legs, the bruises still inked her skin. Once she was out and dried she got into a long light purple dress with black heels and a black choker necklace and a long lilac glove to go over her metal arm and a wrist length glove on her other arm. Sayuri put her hair in two low ponytails and then braided them together tight enough to were the tips brushed the ground.

Once she was done she went and found Osamu and Riko in the throne room with everyone else.

"Sayuri!" Ai ran to her excited to see her, "You look so pretty!"

She smiled, "Thank you Ai, however, I think you are the pretty in this room today," gesturing to Ai's new dress she wore. Ai blushed.

Osamu cleared his throat catching their attention, "Now since you're here M'lady, you will be going out with the prince's one at a time each time. Right now the others are still settling in so Prince Eito Matsuoka has volunteered to go first. The King and Queen of the Land of woods has suggested just a stroll through Hideyoshi and perhaps dinner."

"That sounds stupid!" Riko shouts, "If the brat wants to impress our Queen they'll all have to do something extraordinary!" Her eyes held fire in them.

Mari joined her, flames spreading in her eyes as well, "Yes! Something like....." The two went on and on about different dates.

"That sounds fine, when will we be going?" Sayuri asked sweatdropping at Riko and Mari's statements.

"As soon as he gets here," Osamu states ignoring his sister and Mari rant.

"Hey, Sayuri!-" Naruto called but at that moment the front palace doors creaked open revealing Eito, his parents and several guards.

"Oh it's such a pleasure to finally meet you Miss Sayuri!" The Queen shouts taking Sayuri's hands in hers, "Aren't you a pretty thing!" She pinched Sayuri's cheek and hugged her to her chest swinging her around scaring Ai to hide behind Mari and the others.

The king sweat dropped clearing his throat, "Dear, I don't think you should do that to the Queen."

She put a dizzy Sayuri back down laughing, " But I couldn't help it, she's just to cute!"

Sayuri laughed nervously, bowing slightly to them, "Pleasure to meet you all."

The others shocked at the actions snapped out of it, "Well, I think it's best let these two get started on their walk, the kingdom is big and we'd want them to be back by dark." Osamu says placing his hand on Sayuri's shoulder and gesturing to Eito who merely narrowed his eyes in disgust and crossed his arms turning to face the wall, receiving some glares from the leaf who he faced.

Discontinued: To Be A Queen (Naruto Shippuden Fanfiction/ Kakashi's Daughter)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin