'Shoot, shoot, shoot! Mission abort, what the hell is he doing here?'

"Yes, I suppose," I coughed awkwardly, the strangled words barely escaping my throat as I warily glanced off to the side. I refused to meet his gaze, his eyes roaming freely across my y/h form--his eyes making me feel as if I'm on fire. I could feel my throat close up in fear while a blush bloomed on my cheeks in embarrassment, two conflicting feelings muddling and melding together to form an almost pleasant twisting feeling in my stomach--

--Oh please. What is this, a shitty romance novel? I coughed and suppressed my blush, using what little courage I had to stare right back at him. Him and his pretty golden eyes. I shook my head; all I feel for him is pure and utter hatred.

I can't like him, not in the slightest. Not after what he did.

The twisting feeling in my stomach slowly began to ignite into a sensation of burning, it welling up inside of me and giving me the courage I needed to survive this conversation. No matter how much I felt like crying, screaming in his face, and slapping him silly for all he'd done, I needed to remain calm.

"Do you take an interest in flowers then, sir?" I almost laughed at my use of formality when regarding him, making it sound as if I didn't cry for days over his stupid ass. Making him sound like a mere stranger to me. However, he seemed to pay no mind to the depersonalized title.

"No, not particularly. But since I saw you here, admiring the flowers, I thought I might as well give you something I'd picked up earlier," he spoke in such a mature manner as if he were an adult. I felt child-like compared to him despite our measly one year age gap, our newfound height differential definitely not helping the matter. Fishing something out of his pocket, Kid proceeded to close the gap between us, standing far too close for my liking.

"For the lady who loves flowers," he began, placing an item in my hair. "A flower as pretty as she is," he flashed a killer smile at me, the smile he gives anyone and everyone, making my anger flare as he walked off, summoning his skateboard and taking to the skies.

'The hell was that?!' I asked myself, letting my contained rage for the boy rush through my veins. 'He never once dropped the act; he treated me like he really didn't know me at all! What a dick,' I turned to the window of the shop bitterly to see what he'd placed in my hair, gasping at what I saw.

I couldn't take my eyes off of my face-- realizing why Kid had taken his time to flirt with me today when he usually doesn't bother to spare me a second glance. I looked like a completely different person with makeup on.

I wouldn't say that I looked prettier, but I certainly looked like a popular--a.k.a 'fuckable' by the standards of Death the Kid. Despite there only being a thin layer of makeup covering my face, I looked like I put way too much thought into my looks as opposed to my intelligence. I gripped the necklace that hid under my shirt with a frown.

'Good to know that he'll bother himself with talking to me only if I resemble his current friend group. Talk about shallow.'

I quickly brushed off the subject and rushed inside of the store in front of me, the bell jingling overhead as the door opened. A girl with bright purple eyes and black hair greeted me along with a short-haired ginger and a blonde-haired girl. I waved at them and pulled out my phone, checking the time.


Thanks, Kid. You made me late.

I rushed to the back of the room where I spotted blond hair, haphazardly taking my seat across from him. His stunning emerald green eyes shot up in shock, noticing my sudden presence.

𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊  ☆  Death the Kid x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now