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Hello babies 😊

This is not an update but I assure you I have made progress on the next chapter!

Anyway, thanks to all you people and some of my friends, I have come to really love this story. This was the first time I actually fell in love with one of my stories. I know the story line and concept of this story is a little fuzzy and I don't think I'll change it since this is the original but I'll cut to the chase!

I'm going to make a comic about this!

But the timeline is different. This story in wattpad is supposedly the "sequel," while the comic is the adventures of Jade when she just got brought to the academy, and I have tweaked the names, concept and back stories of the characters and there will be fewer schools.

I am going to remove the vampires, succubuses and werewolves. I am going to make it into 4 schools and their conflicts.

I would love to tell you more but I wanted to show you the results after instead of narrating it here

I love you guys

And I'll put out the chapter after my hectic college days are lessening

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