Chapter 18

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Author's Log: Jan 12 2016, 12:32am today is hell as registration for college will begin a few hours later. I decided to fix my body clock I have to adjust it so I will be writing until the said time. I have no clue when I will post this but the writing starts at this date.


A day has passed since Ms. Lionhart bonded with my mother... Well I do not whether you can call that bonding.


After the elf left Ms. Lionhart knocked on the door telling me it was alright to come inside. I opened the door slowly as my eyes instantly landed on my mother, fully aware that Ms. Lion hart was on leaning on the wall to my left. "Her blood should be vampire free now, however if her heart beat goes down inform me and I will return." I closed the door slowly, watching as my mother's chest rise and fall evenly. I saw no difference in her appearance and looked at the principal awkwardly and nervously "Did you... How did- uhm" I stuttered, not managing to form a decent question for I knew if I did a mental image will carve itself in my head. She must have realized what was running in my mind and shook her head "I would not do that without her consent." She bsaid before she released a soft chuckle as she stared at my mother lovingly. My eyebrows knitted together confused after I sat down on the chair next to my mother's bed "Books have informed me that to bond with you shinyuu... You must, uhm have had sexual... Interactions." I mumbled shyly, this topic had never came up all my life so beginning with this with my mother involved is not ideal. Ms. Lionhart nodded and replied "Yes, for one to be fully bonded with their Shinyuu, they must have to do these things, however your books never did completely narrate what Valkyries are since we are of the younger species. I merely shared a kiss with your mother, tis not enough to complete both of your bond but for me it was enough." She lifted the hem of her shirt up a bit showing the presently complete Rose on her hip "Whilst mine is completely, hers is not. This means that my powers are already shared with hers whilst I ca not use hers. She can hear my thoughts if she wanted to whilst I could not." She looks down to the ground smiling with a hint of sorrow in her eyes "most of all, she had the control whether to complete the bond or break it completely." My eyes widen at this new knowledge. She gave my mother control of the bond knowing that it would end in heart break. "Why would you do that? My mother would never fully bond, what will happen to you?" I said in pity. She fixed herself up on the wall looking straight at my mother and smiled " Then the goddess would deny me of anymore shinyuus. I had already reached the full extent of my powers bonding with my first shinyuu, but knowing that living alone for the rest of your existence is depressing. Athena would smite me for losing another Shinyuu, she will throw me in a decade long arena of punishment." She said, and laughed as if punishment was a laughable manner.

"Why could you not just find someone else?" I asked, then the conversation with the elf has wandered back in my thoughts. Aralri finding someone else, is that something I wanted? Bitterness flooded my mouth as I shrugged the thought away and tuned back to Ms. Lion hart's lesson "I' am afraid it is not possible this time. I have have long passed that stage in a Valkyrie's life, with Athena leaving my body I can no longer find someone else to replace the empty space. It is like a contract that once a God hands you a shinyuu you will forever be loyal to one, dead or alive. If you decide to bond with someone who is not your shinyuu... Your powers, and the gods will disappear in you life, you will live in silence with the person like a none powered human, except the gods would not acknowledge you in their graces. You can call it cruel if you wish, but denying the greatest gift they have offered you is deemed unforgivable"


I did not have the heart to ask what would happen if the first Shinyuu had rejected the Valkyrie. I just let her leave, and once my mother awoken I had explained everything except the possibility of possibly destroying their bond and as I anticipated she lost it. She demanded that Ms. Lionhart would march in the room and reverse the effect but before she could I stopped her and calmed her down. I told her that she needed to release the anger in her mind before deciding what to do with the Principal since she was the one who saved her from being a vampire.

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