Chapter 6

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Military Code of Secrecy

"What you see, what you feel, what you hear, when you leave. Leave it here!"


I was woken up by the Cerberus' growls. I quickly stood up and grabbed my kampilan and saw the Cerberus growling at 7 werewolves.

The light brown wolf lunged at me but before it could land the Cerberus tackled it down as its heads ripped it limp from limb.

It... Is protecting you...

I don't want to assume that quickly my friend.

I unsheathed my sword and anticipated their move. Two wolves jumped at me, I high kicked the white wolf and slashed the brown's neck.

They are rogues... They must have heard of the bounty.

I think we already solved that.

The Cerberus was fighting two at the same time while the other two circled me.

I gripped my sword tightly waiting...

One wolf charged while the other jumped. I stabbed my kampilan on the ground and round kicked the wolf that jumped and a water whip spun around and hit the charging wolf.

I heard whimpers from the Cerberus and saw the two wolves knawing the left head down. I took out a dagger and threw it to the wolf on top of the Cerberus.

Aralri, look out!

I was tackled to the ground by White wolf. I felt his teeth burry itself into my arms. My sword was thrown slight away but it was too far to reach. The other  wolf was beginning to wake up from the shock so I grabbed my throwing knife and jabbed the wolf through his throat. As he Felt limp on me I sliced his jaws in half and took out my right arm.

The sea water reserved it already dry Aralri!

I know!

My limp arm dangled on my side as I picked up my sword quickly blocking and countering the Wolf's claws. 

I jumped back blocking another claw and slashed his foot straight up. He fell down whimpering but bit my sword. I grew angry and and kicked my kampilan's non bladed side straight to the Wolf's mouth opening his cheeks up. My head started to go blank as I kicked it repeatedly.

Aralri that's enough

I couldn't hear him... I kicked harder and harder


I got out of my funk and saw the damage I did... His upper skull wad severed. I sighed and kicked the upper skull away releasing my injured foot.

I saw Cerberus walk up to me panting. They stared at me intently but in shock, he went beside me and nudged me to ride on him. I ran my left hand through his blood red fur and said "Bring me to the sea."

He nodded as I rode on him. He sped up to the east smelling sea water. He stopped at the edge. I dropped down and went in. Slowly the water stopped the blood and began to heal it.

That was careless Aralri

I know... I forgot about the reserve... I guess I have to thank the Cerberus

You were right...

I pulled the water to set me down on land beside the Cerberus as I gently flowed the water to it's wounds healing them.

I slowly tried to put my hand on it's right head and it let me...

"Thank you..."

I suddenly felt a surge of control and names slipped through my mouth

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